Kral Varonis Tradition / Ritual in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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Kral Varonis

The Kral Varonis is a great ceremony and an integral part of many of the significant dwarven titles that get bestowed upon the great heroes of the people. Anyone can receive these titles if they manage to perform a significant heroic act for the dwarven people. These rare ceremonies are beloved by the people and often bring them comfort, strength, and hope and are reminded that no matter how dark times get, someone can always rise above it all and light a torch to burn away the darkness.


The celebratory day usually begins with the people attending their places of worship if they have any and then proceeding to go to the city center or fairgrounds. Here there will be many shops, stands, and entertainment for the young and old to participate in. There will usually be one or more sporting events or games to provide further entertainment while waiting for the feast to begin. Soon after, an announcement will be made for everyone to find a dinner table. An introductory toast will be given and a short speech reflecting on the importance and the bravery of the people. Then the king or head of the ruling body will introduce the hero and recount their tales of heroism. Another toast to the guest of honor and to the people will follow. Next the symbol of the great deed will be presented to the hero and great songs of past heroes will be sung. Finally the great feast will be served and everyone will be serenaded by music and songs of great heroes from the past and new tales and songs of the latest hero will be made. After the main courses are finished a new toast will be made to the safety of the people and magnificent desserts will be served. Finally as the people finish up they are directed to several small entertainment events before they make their way home.

Components and tools

This ceremony requires very little in the way of tools. The most important thing is to have all of the citizens present, the guest of honor, and the leader of the people to convey the distinction and tribute upon the great hero. Second is the highly anticipated feast with the most interesting of foods, drinks, and delicacies. Finally there is usually some sort of symbol and or a gift that signifies the heroic deed that was accomplished. Everyone will be able to recognize the deed that was done by the symbol that the hero wears.


Everyone in the kingdom or nation is invited to attend the festivities. Usually there are several groups of musicians and bards dueling each other with the best music, songs, tales, and poetry. Several different sporting events entertain the people. All of the leaders of the community intermingle with the people for a short time before give the ceremonial speech.


These great ceremonies do not fall on any particular date or time of year, rather they occur whenever a great honor or title is to be bestowed upon a great hero of the dwarven people. Whenever titles such as the Drakdodare, Diabdodare, Gigandodare, or Vampirdodare are given they are preceded by the Kral Varonis.


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