Diabdodare Rank/Title in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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“Praise to Piatra! The Diabdodare have come! Raise up our voices in song. Let the demons hear us. We fear them no longer. Gather our weapons and armor and let us finish the war in victory!”
    The Diabdodare is an ancient dwarven title given to someone who slays or banishes a demon or devil. These are great warriors who have overcome impossible odds and found a way to be triumphant in the end. They are beloved by the people and heroic to the end and in many instances they don’t always survive the ordeal. Those who do live on have fame and glory until the end of their days, but most decline that aspect, for the telling of their tales is a constant reminder of those dear companions who did not survive the brutal encounter.


Any dwarf or citizen of a dwarven settlement may be eligible to become a Diabdodare. Any species may attain this title but nondwarves are very rare as they have no strong tie to the city or community and often abandon it at the first sign of trouble.


The only requirement need in order to attain this title is that of slaying or banishing a demon or devil. Incontrovertible proof of the demon or devils death or banishment is needed, as are multiple reliable witnesses.


After the slaying or banishment of a demon, devil, or their spawn, the slayer is brought before the religious leaders of the community for blessings and a cleansing ceremony. Afterward there is often a great feast or celebration involving the entire city. It is common for the leaders of the community to then formally confer this title upon the slayer at the beginning of the festivity with a lot of pomp and circumstance. A great speech is proclaimed and it is often accompanied by grand music and songs of heroic deeds. The recipient is called forth and is embraced by the leaders and given a special token that expresses their appreciation and the new title.


The Diabdodare is obliged to always be on the lookout for demonic and devilish dangers to the dwarves and peoples of the surrounding areas. When dangers do arise they are expected to give immediate counsel to the city leaders and prepare the populace for any potential threats that may arise. They are also expected to stay and fight any and all creatures who attack.


The Diabdodare are responsible for analyzing the defensive and offensive capabilities of the settlements and notifying those in charge of the strengths and weaknesses that are found. They are then expected to begin strengthening those weaknesses and develop multiple plans for any possible confrontations with demons, devils, and their spawn.


There are no official benefits to receiving this honor. However once one is granted this title they are immediately welcomed into and become a part of the Diab Dovrah. This is an exclusive organization that consists only of demon and devil slayers. All members here are equals and have access to the great libraries, armories, and invaluable knowledge of its members. They have authority over everything demon and devil related and are the first called upon for advice when they are nearby.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A great pin with the symbol of the Diabdodare is presented to the recipient. They can wear it anywhere that they desire but it is usually worn above the heart in the center of the upper chest so that all might see it. The symbol is also embroidered or sewn boldly on the cloaks of the slayers so that all may see who walks amongst them. It is said that when the people see these symbols they gain hope and that hope leads to victory.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

This title is earned by the completion of slaying or banishing of a demon or devil and that monumental task can never be taken away from anyone. This title is permanent no matter what the slayer does. The only way to remove this title would be if it was later found out that the slain demon or devil had lived or was not banished.


Those who hold with extremely rare title are mostly remembered from a bygone era. Few encounter demons or devils these days and fewer survive to tell the tale. These incredible warriors were much more common in ancient days when these incursions into our world were more frequent. As these ancient evils were defeated and driven from the world so too did the Diabdodare slowly vanish as well, as did their tales and songs sadly fade from the memories of the people. With no recognizable demonic or devilish incursions today, there can be no demon slayers and sadly no new tales of inspiration.

Cultural Significance

Those that recognize the symbol of the Diabdodare understand that a great struggle has been overcome against the forces of ultimate evil and they have enormous thanks and respect for those who wear them. They are seen as ancient heroes reborn in spirit if not in flesh and the onlookers have their confidence bolstered and believe that anything is possible despite any overwhelming odds or circumstances.   Great songs are sung and fantastic tales are passed down from parent to child about the heroics of the Diabdodare, planting the seeds of hope so that future generations may harvest its promise when needed.   Those who do not know of the Diabdodare quickly learn, often to their detriment about the skill and deadliness of these warriors. Onlookers are quickly made believers after a short battle and enemies never get a chance to tell the tales of their misfortune.
Civic, Military, Generic
This is an ancient dwarven title that has thankfully not been used for hundreds of years.
Equates to
Only when it comes to matters involving demons, devils, and their spawn, does this title become equivalent to that of a general.
Source of Authority
Dwarven Kingdoms
Length of Term
This title remains with the holder for their entire life.

Notable Holders:

  • Scoron Soulshield, Acero dwarf paladin of Piatra and banisher of the devil, Nyirac.
  • Scole Faithhammer, Acero dwarf Cleric of Piatra who is renowned for his relentless battles against the Grote
"To become a Diabdodare is to transcend mortality, to become a part of the epic tale that is our people's history."
— Elder Kornak Ironbrow

Cover image: by by me from Dall-E


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