Noi'cendelë Settlement in Divostra | World Anvil
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Noi'cendelë (Eladrin, lit. 'facing toward sorrow') is the westernmost city in the Quorel'hrim Kingdom and the provincial capital of Núnicas. Located near the borders of Rhovanion and the Bala Desert, this fortified, walled city stands as the kingdom's bulwark against threats from the west. The city's walls span the gap between Mount Rusca and Mount Noldo and it is connected to the rest of the province by the Dogged Wind which stretches east from the city through the Valley of Ravens.   The area between Mount Rusca and Mount Noldo had long been settled by gnomes when the first Eladrin arrived to the town of Sôbadân sometime near the end of the Titanomachy. The elves came to an agreement with the mayor of Sôbadân to allow them to construct a fortress outside of the town limits. Elves continued to migrate to this area and settle around Stormbreaker Keep, which became the village of Noi'cendelë. As the populations of both settlements grew, the separation between Sôbadân and Noi'cendelë disappeared and the leaders of the two towns agreed to combine them into the single unified city of Noi'cendelë.


There is a larger gnomish population represented in high levels of Noicender society compared to the rest of the Quorel'hrim Kingdom, thanks to its history as a unification between Eladrin and gnomish settlements.   The city also has large communities of dwarven migrants from Rhovanion as well as sizeable populations of Balar humans and halflings thanks to migration from the desert to the southwest.


The city has two co-equal executives in charge of running the city: the First Knight of Noi'cendelë, an appointed official of the Green Guard who resides in Stormbreaker Keep, and the democratically elected mayor, who resides in Sobadan Hall in the High Quarter.   These two are advised by a council comprised of the heads of various powerful organizations within the city, including guild masters, high priests, and wealthy landowners.


The outer rim of Noi'cendelë is enclosed by a pair of massive stone walls which run parallel to one another and encircle the city proper, with several acres of farmland nestled between the outer and inner walls. The inner city is divided into four quarters walled off from one another and constructed around Stormbreaker Keep which lies at the center of the city.

Industry & Trade

The mines in the northern part of the city provide a steady stream of minerals to Noi'cendelë's Iron Quarter, where craftsmen turn the iron, copper, and tin extracted from Mount Rusca into weapons and armor for the Green Guard. The recent discovery of Thaumium deposits in the mountain's higher elevations have led to further mining operations outside of the city's northern walls.   The lands to the east and west of the inner city between the walls are dotted with plantations dedicated to cultivating exotic crops brought in from the west. Noi'cendelë is far enough west of the Veggberg Mountains to provide similar weather patterns to those of the Bala region, making it one of the few cities in Quorel'hrim proper with access to fresh exotic produce.


The urban area of Noi'cendelë is divided into four quarters surrounding the central bastion of Stormbreaker Keep.

Iron Quarter

The northern district of the city lies adjacent to Mount Rusca and is home to the city's artisan community. It earns its name thanks to housing most of the city's population of miners, blacksmiths, and other metalworkers.

Shadow Quarter

The eastern quarter of the city earned its name due to it almost always being covered in shadow, in the morning by the mountains to the east, and in the evening by Stormbreaker Keep to the west. This quarter is home to both the city's artist community, featuring several clubs, theaters, and brothels, as well as the city's shadier organizations, including the Sorrow's Hand assassin's guild and the Black Brokers thieves guild.

High Quarter

The city's southern district houses its governmental buildings, Núnicas Academy, and a satellite office of the Beryl Registrar. It earned its name due to the district being built physically higher than the rest of the city, as it was constructed atop the ruins of the old Sôbadân District, which had been destroyed during the siege of Martu'amurruk and her blue dragons.

Green Quarter

The western district of the city is home to the city's tailors, jewelers, and other craftsmen. The area directly west of Stormbreaker Keep is home to a public park and orchard that gives the quarter its name.

The Wall-Lands

In the lands between the outer and inner walls of the city one can find residential areas as well as agricultural, mining, and logging communities. The eastern and southern wall-lands are covered in pine forests that provide wood for the city. To the west, where the sun can actually reach the fertile soil, the land is covered in plantations and farming communities that produce food for the rest of the city. In the north, where the city is closest to Mount Rusca, several mining towns have been built between the inner and outer walls to provide mineral resources to the Iron Quarter.

The walled city of Noi'cendelë viewed from the Rhovanion side with the Veggberg Mountains in the background.

Founding Date
5149 PS
Alternative Name(s)
The Walled City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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