Wood Material in Distorted Lands Redux | World Anvil


A useful material. Shame it doesn't grow in the desert.

Wood is a material that is most commonly used in the north where trees grow.


Material Characteristics

Wood can be described as a fiberous material that is flexible, with the risk of splintering when put under a lot of stress.

It is found in the core of trees. Other plants also have wood-like structures. Generally they are also described as wood, under the logic of "if it looks like wood and behaves like wood it is wood".

History & Usage

Everyday use

Wood can be applied in many areas, particularely as construction material in everything from tools to furniture, as a source of fuel and with a lot of processing, paper.

There have been multiple attempts to build homes where everything is made out of wood, including all the clothes. These experiments have largely been successful, although some things are considerably easier with metal, for such items as cauldrons for cooking.


If the wood is burned without access to air it becomes black, looses a significant amount of volume and weight and becomes like coal in many respects, earning it the name "tree coal".

When the wood is cut to small splinters and then mixed with water into a pulp, it can be processed into paper, which as many applications, particularely as a medium for writing on.

Environmental Impact

There are many groups that are advocating to leave the trees alone if att all possible in order to protect the landscape. The opponents to this argue that trees regrow within a generation anyways.


Trade & Market

Wood objects are highly reguarded in the desert, due to the fact that trees, from which wood comes, do not grow there.

shades of brown
usually less than water
Common State


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