Sand Eye Condition in Distorted Lands Redux | World Anvil

Sand Eye

The goggles might look weird, but I'll take that over loosing my vision for a week.
— Trader entering the desert

Transmission & Vectors

It is known that Venirans are not affected and that Sand Eye does not develop in Xalnans outside of the desert, but the reason for why it only happens in the desert is not known.


Some of the most common symptoms are pain, combined with discomfort and itching, a lot of tears and sometimes eyelids twitch.


When symptoms first start to appear it is vital to end exposure to the sun immediately in order to prevent the condition from progressing too far. The traditional way of treating the condition is to blindfold the patient until the sympoms have receded, which usually takes less than a week. The purpose of the blindfold is primarely to stop any further exposure to the sun, but also to prevent the patient from rubbing their eyes, which worsenes the condition.

A treatment and preventative was recently found, but it causes another condition, Goldeneye.


The simplest way to prevent Sand Eyes is to limit the exposure to sunlight while wandering the desert. This can be done by blocking most of the light while looking through small slits. Goggles made out of hard materials, such as bone, wood or metal, are becoming a trend, but in an emergency layered cloth can also serve as adequate protection.


Sand Eye first started appearing when Xalnan traders first started wandering through the desert, due to Venirans not being affected.

It was very quickly realised that is has something to do with exposure to sunlight while in the desert, but even after years of study it is not known why.

Recently some Xalnans have reported getting Sand Eye in the mountains as well, but that still needs to be confirmed.



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