Goldeneye Condition in Distorted Lands Redux | World Anvil


Ooohh, pretty! I need it!
— Zahra

When Sand Sap first came to be it was such a massive success that it spread far and wide very quickly before the side effects were fully known. This allowed Goldeneye to become a common sight in the desert.

Goldeneye has also become something of an expensive beauty product. The cost is mostly associated with the production not being able to keep up with the demand.


The condition is caused by the recently developed cure and preventative to Sand Eye, Sand Sap. It is currently not known why Sand Sap causes Goldeneye.


After about 200-300 applications of Sand Sap the sclera starts shimmering with a golden hue and after about 750-1000 applications the colour of the iris changes to a glittering gold. The condition does seem to recede after some time according to those who stopped using it when they left the desert.

Due to how recent this condition is it is not known if there are any long term harm to it. Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be any short term harm either, which is why it has become a bit of a cultural fenomenon among the younger population.

Affected Groups

All species can be affected by Goldeneye, but because Venirans don't need to use Sand Sap to protect their eyes they only have it if they want to make a fashion statement.


As can be expected by a side effect of a medicin the only prevention method is to not take the medicin, in this case Sand Sap.


Goldeneye is tightly linked with the invention of Sand Sap, a plant based eye drop that heals Sand Eye.
Chemical Compound


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