Bangles Item in Distorted Lands Redux | World Anvil


Common, pretty and very informative

Adornments are common and bangles are one of the most common sights when interacting with people.

Its use comes and goes as trends change, sometimes armbands become more popular, and sometimes rings, but then it comes back to bangles again, making them timeless pieces of jewlery.


The bangles are often used as ways to signify various things that happen in life, such as loss or love, but most people don't put too much thought behind their choises. Then there are some who put a lot of thought into it.

These are usually miscreants who want to communicate about their status when meeting people they know. Often the combination of bangles and their arrangement can tell those who know the codes if they have found a hiding spot or if they are about to execute a heist.

This can also lead to some misunderstandings, such as when a thief misread the bangles of a guard off duty, causing the thief to admit to the crime. The guard played along, leading the thief straight to the holding cell, along with the stolen goods.


Bangles are a common sight across the continent. Each region has its own customs when it comes to form and colour.

Raw materials & Components

Bangles are armbands made from a hard material, such as glass, metal or wood. Because of this variety in material the manufacturing methods vary a lot as well. Another thing that changes a lot is the colour, although they are usually very bright and saturated.

The most expensive bangles are covered in jewles or made out of precious materials. A well known bangle is one made out of metalspinner silk, with Firesten woven into it.


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