Tharros the Wanderer Character in Dierde | World Anvil

Tharros the Wanderer (/ˈθɑː.rɒs ðə ˈwɒn.dərə/)

As of now, the only things that The Mighty Menagerie seems to know about Tharros is that he has a secret hideout in The Underdark which was accessible from their route under Outding Refuge.   In the hideout there was a strange broken mirror, a strange well, and a laboratory of some sort. They had obtained a book claimed to be from Mordenkainen about a portable mansion, later he revealed it was a temporary magic item (an experiment) and the party burned up the charges. They took a collection of notes on various monster hunting parts which can be used for magical item crafting, a handful of mirror pieces and coins, and a glamourweave cloak.   When the party was done fighting the Meenlocks in the Feywild they went to the possible Hag location and found a mysterious chromatic well with a strange chromatic mercury-like liquid. This was a trap set up by Tharros and it brought them into a ring where they fought metallic doppelgangers of themselves.   He said he had been watching them and that he wanted to test them to see if they would be able to assist in the dangers on the horizon.  
You see before you a very old and mysterious wizard known as Tharros the Wanderer. His long, pale face is framed by a flowing white beard that cascades down to his waist. He is dressed in a green and leather cloak that seems to blend seamlessly with the environment. There is an aura of ancient power and knowledge surrounding him, and his gaze holds both curiosity and secrets.
  Tharros is a mysterious figure who is always a few steps ahead of his opponents. He is calculating and wise, and is quick to make decisions. He is patient and observant, and rarely speaks without careful consideration  
I must use my knowledge and cunning to stay one step ahead of my opponents
  Background Tharros is an ancient wizard who has been wandering for centuries. He has no allegiance and his true motives remain unknown. He has hidden hideouts all around the world, and seems to always be one step ahead of his opponents. He has been watching the Menagerie, and testing them to see if they are worthy of his aid. He has knowledge of powerful magical items, and may have some connection to the Feywild  


Tharros is an old man with a long face and a long straight white beard. He wears a green and leather cloak and carries a staff with a large crystal at the end  

Speaking Style

Tharros speaks with a deep, gravelly voice, and his words are chosen carefully. He has an accent from a long-forgotten land, and he speaks with a measured pace and cadence. His vocabulary is expansive, and he often chooses words that are slightly archaic

Tharros is a mysterious wandering wizard which seems to be involved in some major situation, but has not divulged much to the Menagerie.

Current Location
Last seen in the Feywild, between the Meenlocks & the Hag Forest
View Character Profile
Current Status
Current Location
Year of Birth
100 p-KC 2123 Years old
Current Residence
long white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 11"
180 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Session Reports   Session 14: Mindflayer Colonies & Wizard Hideouts Report Session 15: Jacoby's a Changed "Man" Report Session 27: The Infamous Bargle Report Session 31: Stop Hitting Yourself Report