Zakat Settlement in Deva | World Anvil
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The great capital city of the dwarven Kingdom of Kuril, it was built long ago in the age of The Edyllys Empire using techniques that have been lost to the dwarves.


The city is constructed as a series of great caverns, carved deep into the mountains. The grand entrance hall leads directly to the palace, with the entrance to the main city on the right and the entrance to the great forge district on the left.   Each district is contained in a great cavern of polished stone, with a spiral structure radiating out from a central building or cluster of buildings, which climbs up the walls of the cavern. Buildings are carved into the living stone of the mountain, many with ornately carved doors inlaid with precious metal and gems. Smaller shops and houses are neatly arranged, typically with homes in cellars below the shops.   The cavern ceilings illuminate the city with a warm light which permits the growth of plant life, but the source of the light is unknown. Individual homes and buildings are typically illuminated with a bioluminescent moss that is cultivated specifically for this purpose, while the temples and homes of nobility are often lit with ornate fixtures of ancient make.   Beneath the city are twisting mining tunnels, some ancient and spent that have been converted into storage, prisons, or poor districts.   Cave-ins have sealed off numerous tunnels and ancient chambers, and to this day the dwarves are unsure how far the city originally spanned.


  • Zakat
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