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Megalos the Stag

Information sourced from 'Stags of the North', 'Kindred Spirits' and 'Famous Animals of the Old Empire'

Written by David_Ulph

"I remember the day with sorrow and confusion. I was out having a jolly good time hunting with the lads until one blood Great Stag raced past us at the border of the Ironwood. None of us could touch the barmy thing, it weaved in and out of our ruddy arrows and traps! Of course we tracked it after, the harder the hunt the better the ornament in my mind until of course we saw the newer tracks leading in the direction of the lodge where my dear Tallulah was resting, A pack of Dire Wolves we thought, and we thought the worst.   One we found dead or at least almost dead outside the lodge, mauled by an antler. I, of course, rushed inside to protect my wife to find her and the midwife both dead but my child, little Telluri, he was safe behind the Great Stag. I'm not ashamed to say it, I don't think I could've killed the wolf for worrying of my wife. Luckily Testicles was at the window with his magic and could put that [word redacted to remove swearing] mutt though by imperial decree I spared the stag.   Megalos, it would end up being called. What a fine beast."
Quote by Duke Tullius, republished in 'Stags of the North', a book overviewing a history of House Amarun - the traditional ruling family of Rivercrown.


Most cultures on the Mortal Realm refer to themselves by shared symbols that represent their common views, history or way of life. For the colonist settlers of Rivercrown, this became the stag in its prime. A stag in rut will kill any and all potential competitors in their steadfast and singular goal, which Rivercrowners mirror their stubborn and fierce attitudes that often lead to falling before they rise as internal in-fighting always ends up reducing the Grand Duchy's influence and power.
Rivercrowners are proud, short-tempered and vengeful, with every notable Duke and Grand Duke of the culture being defined by their stubbornness in getting their goals achieved usually as powerful warriors. The stag and the Rivercrowner are both fearsome, with sharp antlers and a tendency to butt heads.
Though while the stag has been the perfect fit for the Rivercrowners since the invasion from the Empire of Midland, the symbol was not adopted until the later end of the Third Era or earlier end of the Fourth Era as a result of Megalos.


Birth of Telluri

The Warlord Period is a largely undocumented time which straddles the Third and Fourth Eras, started by the power vacuum as a result of the Midlandian Empire's collapse. The Duchy of Rivercrown managed to continue through the chaos largely unscathed, operating as if nothing had changed and they were still a vassal state of the von Apollyon Emperors which was achieved mainly due to the impassable Ironwood splitting the imperial heartland of Buerach with the imperial colony of Rivercrown.
At some time during the Warlord Period before the rise of the Holy See the involvement of the Midlandian Empire became a distant memory, and as this cultural shift into accepting independence started to gain traction an heir to the Duchy was born; a yellow-haired boy called Tellurion. While the birth took place in House Amarun's hunting lodge not too far from the Ironwood, a Giant Deer left the Wood Elf-infested territory and made its way to the hunting lodge.
Despite its size, the Giant Deer managed to get into the hall of the lodge, and was found circling the new-born Tellurion and protecting it from a wolf which had also entered the house. The wet-nurse was discovered mauled by the wolf, and Tellurion's mother appeared to had died during childbirth. The "Great Stag" was allowed to live, but it refused to leave the side of the baby heir for no known reason.

Grand Duchy

As Tellurion Amarun (nicknamed Telluri) grew older in the care of his aunts, so too did the Ironwoodite Deer by his side at all times. The stag would come to be known as Megalos, named after a mighty Imperial Champion of Emperor Bridgett von Apollyon (r. 3E 551 - 652) who famously donned a helmet fashioned out of the antlers of elk and deer while battling the barbarians of the Ten Kingdoms of Redfall who lived in the area Rivercrown replaced.
As Telluri ascended to the title, Rivercrown became known as the Grand Duchy of Rivercrown as Grand Duke Telluri finally admitted to his nation's independence and became a great and powerful ruler. During this time, Megalos was blessed with the spell 'Awaken' and granted sentience as well as the ability of speech, and the two figures became close friends which in the book 'Kindred Spirits' it is considered they were brothers. The Grand Duke Telluri was responsible for many major achievements of the early Grand Duchy, such as the land-grab of Vallatorlan and the Fairweather Series.
When Telluri was 27 years old, his loyal protector Megalos died. To celebrate his memory in supporting the greatest ruler of Rivercrown, Megalos became the national symbol of the nation and Rivercrowner culture. The body of the Great Stag was taxidermized and is still kept in the feasting hall of House Amarun's castle. His memory still lives on in his cultural impacts and influence, as well as in the dynastical names of House Amarun where Telluri's son and heir was named Megalos in honour of his friend and protector.
Prompts Advent Calendar #24

WorldEmber Article #26

50k Article
Ironwoodite Giant Deer

Cultural Influence

Coat of Arms

Megalos became immortalised when Grand Duke Telluri made the stag the national symbol of the new Grand Duchy, and instantly became associated not only with the ducal family but also the very culture which developed in their nation. On Megalos' passing, the Grand Duke commissioned the heraldic court of the land to make a new family crest for Amarun which became a stag rampant which has existed into the Fourth Era.
When Rivercrown were granted the honour of being the holders of the Crown of Thorns by the Holy See Territories two times before King Faust of Analand, this became a crowned stag rampant where a thorned crown is placed around the stag's neck.

Ducal Cavalry

It is now common during ceremonial parades for the Grand Duke as well as the rest of the mounted Ducal Guard to decorate their horses for the occasion with chanfron that have decorative antlers fashioned into them.
Traditionally, each guardsman may decorate their chanfron how they please, leading to parades being colourful shows of wealth and creativity. During the parade on the Nollaig festival, these antlers often have evergreen leaves or baubles hanging from them.
by Ornito Frenia

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Cover image: by Vertixico


Author's Notes

Okay! So this may stray into "Elven Shoes Territory" which is why this piece of trivia is relegated down here, but this article actually ties in very nicely to my article on the Skirmish of the Bloody Ford! The protagonist of the unfair conflict is most certainly Lord Dougall Grey, and in the piece of prose written by the Bard MacPhee he wears a stag-antlered helmet. This is because Dougall's father was actually a Rivercrowner who married into the Grey Clan, though due to Vallatorlan clan culture traditions Dougall was a Grey. Dougall was a scary mix of Vallator pragmatism with Rivercrowner stubbornness... If only he survived?   Also.. don't ask about why he's called Testicles... I can't explain it and I won't change it XD

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Dec 27, 2020 17:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I read Testicles in the Greek classics way - Testi-klese. :D   This is a really interesting article. I love the piece of prose and all the details about the horses wearing helmets with antlers and the standard and things. <3