
Dryadrim are a subspecies of Okkurim. They are protectors of trees. There are several different types of Dryadrim associated with different species of trees:
  • Daphnaidrim: protectors of laurel trees
  • Meililadrim: protectors of all kinds of fruit trees
  • Kurozodrim: protectors of flowering cherry trees
  • Meliadrim: protectors of ash trees
  • Querquetadrim: protectors of oak trees
  • Kodadrim: protectors of cypress trees
  • Nangtadrim: protectors of banana and other tropical trees
  • Hathorim: protectors of fig and sycamore trees
  • Radrandrim: protectors of pine, fir, and other kinds of evergreen trees

Basic Information


Dryadrim are shape shifters. They typically appear as extremely robust or beautiful trees of the forest that they are found in; however, they can appear as young women, usually very beautiful, but with features that derive from their nature as protectors of trees and forests: green hair or living flowers in their hair, rough, bark-like skin, and so on.

Ecology and Habitats

Dryadrim are usually found within the deep forests of Derkomai. The appearance of the dryadrim matches the species of trees of the forest.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dryadrim are capable of sensing the emotions of the trees and plants of their forest. They know when trees of their forests are being hurt. They are also capable of sensing and manipulating the emotions of the animals of their forests, and to a limited extent, directing their actions.
A Forest Dryadrim
A Forest Dryadrim by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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