Orb of Climate Item in Demis | World Anvil

Orb of Climate

Written by Mels

As the beads of sweat cascaded down Aven'Ess' forehead, her hands felt as though they were being simultaneously frozen and burnt by the True Ice she was attempting to infuse with the glass orb. She was now entering her eighth hour and knew she had to withstand the pain and maintain the incantation in order for the material to take. Were she to give up now, all the money she had invested in the component hunter that ventured to the Plane of Ice and the time that had already passed would have been for nothing. Her home would be much more secure with the added defense of an Orb of Climate and she had promised herself not to fail. She began to hear the tinkle of the crystallized vapors of her breath shattering on the ground as she exhaled and the temperature of the room continued to plummet, almost there... <br>

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Orb of Climate is a clear sphere that fits into the palm with a large diamond cut into a hectogon and magically suspended in the center of the sphere. If an elemental spell is cast into the sphere, the many faces of the diamond will absorb, multiply and continuously expel the same spell upon the verbalization of a command word. If the command word is spoken again, the orb will release the spell and return to its natural, dormant state.

Manufacturing process

The process of creating an Orb of Climate is known by few but consists of magically injecting the material components for the item into the glass ball while simultaneously suspending the diamond in the center of the sphere without allowing it to touch the edges. Each component must be infused one at a time and the process of which takes 10 hours per element.


Most commonly used by powerful wizards and mages to conceal and protect their dwellings from intruders.
Item type
200 g
4 in Diameter
Base Price
48,000 GP
Raw materials & Components
  • A diamond expertly cut into a hectogon
  • A 4 in diameter clear glass ball
  • A 10 in Icicle of True Ice
  • 1 Roc Feather
  • 24oz of unpolluted water
  • 24oz of Nightwing Bat guano
Evocation Magic


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