SOOT: Setting Primer and Character Information in Demergion | World Anvil
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SOOT: Setting Primer and Character Information

Welcome to a world Flooded by the Gods

Welcome to Godelan's Haven, once the hearth of an Evil Empire, now one of the many Island which dots The Dread Expanse.

Setting Information:

65 years ago, the Mortal Empress challenged the gods, and sought to attain Divinity. She failed, but only after the combined might of the gods called down The Years of Rain  and eventually The Great Flood  . Now The remnants of The Mortal Empire cling to what little land the is left, and sharing it with their neighbors.
  The largest of Nations of Godelan's Haven is The Kingdom of Man, which holds about 26% of the available land. In the capitol of this nation, Neuhafen is where our story will begin, in The Friendly Kobold tavern.
  For whatever reason, you've reached a bit of a down patch in your life, being short on gold. And following the lead of either a local friend, a rumor, or just the local gossip you've arrived at this tavern. The barkeep, Victor Count of which is known to get anyone back on their feet, as long as you are willing to get your hands dirty. And judging by the state of the town, you won't be sitting idly by.
  After arriving making your way through town, you noticed the various tight security check-points checking for Dragonborns and Kobolds. The anxious guard told you that they've noticed an increase in violence from these long subjugated races, with various cases of assault and arson promoting these check-points.
  After this, you were almost trampled as a squad of the Royal City Watch which were followed by a town crier, from which you were informed about the poor health of the king -Adrian Reinhardt-, as well as the generosity of a neighboring nation, The Guardians of the Forest, which would send over a healer. A nearby noble, escorted by three anxious bodyguards was quick to make a remark about the "Pointear" swindlers, and something about a movement led by Crown Prince Clemens Reinhardt, after beating a quick retreat.
  When moving towards your destination, you became aware of blue posters, mentioning The Equality Alliance which was apparently speaking on behalf of the Dragon-kin. The locals seemed divided about this movement, with some agreeing with their goal, and others calling them anything from "dragon-lovers" to "traitors".
  When you finally arrived at the Hafen District, you notice an old waterlogged ship anchored at the foot of the royal castle, overseen by one of the massive Defiant Class Heavy Warships of The King's Royal Navy. Judging by the state of the waterlogged ship it's a miracle it hasn't sunk yet and you can just make out the name: Siegfroy.
  Entering the The Friendly Kobold, you are greeted by a monthly assortment of patrons, most of which dock-workers and fishers, a woman wearing a hood who's sitting alone exudes the smell of rotten fish. Behind the bar stands Victor Count, Viscount for short, and next to him on the bar sits a Kobold happily drinking a tankard of ale. Victor looks over: "A new guest, come in warm your hands by the fire, Mugs will be with you shortly. If you're looking for food I got some stew left, but you look like you're here for business?".

Character Creation:

  • Character Building:
      • Level: Starting at 1, with a power level to level 2 in the first two sessions.
      • Statistics: Roll for it or point puy, your choice (Rolled in roll20, link coming soon).
      • Gear n' Gold: PHB Standard, or roll for gold
      • Starting Magic Items: 1 Common magic item.
      • Races: See "Races of Godelan's Haven" below, no restrictions unless it's homebrew, or non-core books (Ravnica, etc.).
      • Classes: No restrictions, unless it's homebrew, or non-core books (Ravnica, etc.).
      • Background: No restrictions, unless it's homebrew, or non-core books (Ravnica, etc.).
  • Background:
      • Consider the History of Demergion.
      • Local from Godelan's Haven preferred, as it makes background interactions easier.
      • Feel free to expand on the existing world with your backstory, new factions, locations, NPCs, etc.
      • Everybody will have a random secret as determined by me, which can be changed if you so wish.
  • World Information

    See World Atlas

    Races of Godelan's Haven

    See Races of Godelan's Haven

    Nations of Godelan's Haven

    See Nations of Godelan's Haven

    Divinities of Godelan's Haven

    See Deities & Religions

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