Feywild Geographic Location in Delos | World Anvil
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For the plane of Arcadia, see this article.   The Feywild is a planar reflection of the Prime Material Plane, and whose major geographical landmarks mirror that of the Material plane. The fey originate from this plane, giving the Feywild its name, as well as establishing it as a place of unusually potent magic.  


As a parallel plane to the Material, the Feywild's geography is similar, although not entirely identical to the Prime. Similarly, settlements, inhabitants, and many creatures existing in this plane are "echoes" of creatures within the Material Plane.   Arcane magic runs more freely and powerfully in the Feywild, and for that reason many of its inhabitants are magically gifted. The plane is also reputably beautiful compared with both the Prime and the Shadowfell.  

The Four Courts

There are four courts within the Feywild, each denote of a different season.


The lush gardens of the Court of Arcadia represents the rebirth of Springbloom. Pink sky.


The ever-lit fields of the Court of Rapture represents Summertide. Yellow sky.


The rotting forests of the Court of Blight is the smallest court within the Feywild, representing Leaffall. Orange sky.


The frozen lands of the Court of Terminus represents the season of Deepwinter. Deep blue sky.  


The Feydark is an echo of the Prime Material Plane's Underdark in the Feywild, and is a more majestic and fantastical version of its counterpart in other planes.


  • Feywild
    A map of the four courts of the Feywild.
Dimensional plane


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