Wolfwere Species in Deadmouth Island | World Anvil
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Dangerous Shapeshifting Predators

Wolfweres are completely different to werewolves, which they are often confused with, as they can both assume lupine, humanoid, and hybrid forms. However, werewolves are lycanthropes, and in some cases, can pass on their condition via an infectious bite. Wolfweres, however, can only pass on their condition genetically.   Naturally magical creatures, a mature wolfwere can create several magical effects.

Basic Information


A wolfwere can appear as a humanoid, as a wolf, or in a terrifying hybrid form—a furred and well-muscled humanoid body topped by a ravening wolf’s head.

Biological Traits

In their wolf form, a wolfwere is larger than a typical wolf and smaller than a dire wolf. In their hybrid form they stand on their hind legs and average between 5 1/2 to 7 feet tall. As a humanoid they can choose their size within a range of approximately three to eight feet tall, although maintaining the form of a smaller or larger race for an extended period causes significant exhaustion.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wolfweres usually mate and reproduce in their wolf form. The pregnant female remains in wolf form for the ten week gestation period before giving birth to a litter of 3-5 wolfwere pups. Female wolfweres enter heat and take their wolf form for around six weeks, typically, in the winter months. If no male wolfweres are available for mating, the females will either seek a wolf pack or take humanoid form and attempt to seduce a humanoid. The resulting offspring are usually born as wolfweres, although there is a small chance that the progeny of a wolfwere and and a humanoid will actually be born as a humanoid who will, upon reaching maturity, be a lycanthrope. Likewise the offspring of a wolf and a wolfwere has a small chance of being born as a dire wolf .

Growth Rate & Stages

At around twelve weeks, the wolfwere will make its first transformation into its hybrid form. By 7-8 months, a wolfwere can transform into a feral humanoid toddler. At 22 months, has full control of its transformations and can imitate an humanoid child convincingly providing the pack has educated the cub sufficiently in speech and customs of nearby settlements. Wolfweres reach sexual maturity at the age of ten, but typically do not begin breeding until around fourteen.

Ecology and Habitats

Wolfwere packs tend to stick to forested areas. The wolfwere is a creature that normally does not associate with civilization. But when civilization encroaches on their territory, they can infiltrate it and ensure that their packs are safe.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wolfweres like to hunt in packs in their wolf or hybrid forms, but will seek to bring down more food that the pack immediately requires, and they preserve and store meat for leaner times. They are capable of eating meat for weeks beyond the point where a human would consider the meat to be rotten. A wolfwere will have a solitary meal once a day and eat with the pack once a day.

Biological Cycle

In all their forms, wolfwere fur will thicken in the winter months and also lighten depending on their environment. In an arctic environment, some wolfwere's fur will even turn completely white in winter months.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Typically pack creatures, groups of wolfweres have been known to be as large as a hundred individuals. Some wolfweres do enjoy fraternizing with people or traveling around, however they are usually loners who have been removed from their pack.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

On Deadmouth Island, the highest concentration of wolfweres are on the eastern side of the island, to the north of the Infernal Jungle.

Average Intelligence

Wolfweres can be highly intelligent, and in fact most packs will be led by particularly smart individuals rather than the stronger members of the pack.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wolfwere have particularly keen smell and hearing.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Shadowpaw Den is the largest and most organized pack on Deadmouth Island and the pack that has the most non-violent contact with other races.

Courtship Ideals

Wolfweres utilize the courtship rituals of nearby humanoid settlements as a hunting tactic, observing how humanoids interact before taking the form of an attractive humanoid to lure individuals away from their settlement. Wolfweres are polyamorous, living and working as a pack and each wolfwere will mate with several other individuals during mating season.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships between wolfweres are centered on the pack mentality. The concept of monogamy is rather alien and resources are used for the good of the pack. Wolfweres that deviate from pack ideals are exiled from their pack and are outliers amongst their race.

Average Technological Level

Wolfwere packs scavenge from amongst the technologies of nearby humanoid settlements. They tend not to develop their own technologies, but will secretly observe useful technologies from surrounding settlements and steal it for the bnefit of the pack.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Skilled at mimicry, wolfweres also pick up languages quickly. Their natural means of communication in all forms are through the growls, howls and other vocalizations of a wolf. Interestingly, wolfweres struggle to communicate with actual wolves.

Common Taboos

The wolfweres in the east of Deadmouth Island have a strong aversion to sunlight.

Common Myths and Legends

The Shadowpaw Den are reputed to have the Ring of Djinn in their possession

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

By and large, wolfweres view other species as resources or food. They avoid extensive contact where possible, preferring to be left alone and maintaining limited contact to exploit other races for the benefit of the pack. If coexistence is not possible, the pack will begin their Song of Lethargy, weakening everyone around them and making it possible to drive entire villages from their forests.
Forms of a Wolfwere
45-50 years
Average Physique
In wolf form, wolfweres are bulkier and more muscular than a typical wolf, although not as large as a dire wolf. In hybrid form, they are bulky and muscular. As with their height, they can adapt their physique as humanoids, although the further from an average humanoid size they adopt, the quicker they will exhaust themselves.


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