Picking up the Threads Plot in Daurinath | World Anvil
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Picking up the Threads

  Son was a servant in the household of the girl's parents. He was found dead under the window of Estelle Granger's room. He seemed to have jumped through the closed window. Lord and Lady Granger were not in the house (They have travelled to their estate in the country), only Estelle Granger and her friends were celebrating her birthday. She and her friends claim, that Henry was drunk and actually tried to crash the party, but his father does not believe that. He is convinced, that Henry would never drink on duty and he also knows, that Henry had felt uncomfortable in Estelle's presents. She was always trying to get him alone and being too friendly.   The real story: Estelle had the hots for Henry. During the party, she and her friends tried to make Henry join them. He did not want to do that, fearing for his job. One of Estelle's presents, was a Projector , a new gadget, with which normal people can create illusion magic. They decided to try it out on Henry. They bound him onto a chair and made him believe different things (seeing a fluffy kitten, being attacked by a giant rat and being attacked by a flaming skull.) Boy got so frightened, he threw off the rope, that bound him, and jumped out of the window.   Tya'von Daragast has left with John Fields .   Estelle Granger and Ebenezer Wise also left and went to Granger Manor.   Percy Blandford gave rest of the Party his card and also left.   Party is still in Watch HQ.  
Picking up the Threads:
  Coroner Report: No signs (smell etc.) of alcohol. Died from multiple traumas that are in accordance with a fall from a high place. Wounds from bites on his hands and face and also burn wounds. The skin on his wrists seem to be read and scuffed.   Honoria Jarvis will ask the Party to investigate further. Her hands are bound, as Pattric Conan tells her to start a manhunt for John Fields. She assures them, that the license will give them the right to investigate the death in the name of the Watch.   Percy Blandford will send his own lawyer, Mariam Abercrombie to the RBI HQ.  
Granger Manor:
  Granger Manor   Approaching the House, you can see a broken window on the first floor on the right hand side. There is a Gardener, @Sh working in the garden.   A Butler, tall and broad shouldered(Guard), will let people inside after shown the license.       Estelle Granger , Ebenezer Wise and Harriet Granger are in the study.   Whoever approaches the study door, can hear loud voices: Lady Granger is scolding Estelle: "I told you, these things are nothing but trouble. Your father only gave it to you, because you promised to use it carefully and not in front of other people."   Lady Granger will only grudgingly accept an Investigation into the death of this "troublesome" footman and only because her lawyer, Ebenezer Wise will persuade her.   Estelle will show her room to the Investigators:   Tilda Littlebottom is still there, waiting for Estelle to see if she is ok, but is treated with contempt by her.   Estelle is upset, that the room was not tidied up and calls for the housemaid. Carla Miller   There are traces of magic to be found.   She will allege, that Henry was drunk, that he crashed her party, after the majority of her friends had gone and only Lavinia Green and Tilda Littlebottom were left. The girls did try to throw him out, but he rampaged and in the end he seemed to have lost his balance and fell out of the window.   When cornered, she will attempt to use the Phantasmal Projector , she is carrying in her pocket. (Can be detected by  
When the Crime is solved:
  Lady Granger is trying to frighten them with their influence. They are very close to Lord Aylos Woodstock   If this does not work, she will tell them not to piss off some of the most powerful families in Rhynmouth (Lavinia's and Tilda's family).   If Mariam Abercrombie is there, she will point out, that the Littlebottoms are hardly powerful and that the Greenguards will have no problem of working with the courts to clear their own name to the detriment of the Grangers.   Ebenezer Wise is going to try to bribe the Investigators to hush the whole thing up. He offers 20000 Rhyns and to rehabilitate Henry Fielding, telling everyone, he actually accosted a burglar or something and died an honourable death and give money to John Fielding and Carla Miller.   What can the Grangers be charged with: Possessing and using an illegal item, man slaughter.   If the Party takes the thing to the officials, Estelle Granger is moved to the country for a nervous breakdown, the truth about Henry is never officially acknowledged and the Grangers are fined a huge sum for the possession of illegal magical items and dabbling in forbidden magic. They have to give up their position as royal importer of Etherium and the supply of Etherium is slowed.   Walsingham will be secretly pleased, but the Woodstocks will be pissed.   Percy Blanford will be very pleased and offer patronage and further help.   If the Party agrees to hush things up, Henry gets rehabilitated, John gets some serious money and there are no consequences for Estelle and the Grangers.   The Grangers and the Woodstocks are pleased and offer patronage.   Percy Blanford is very dissapointed.


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