The Great Mining Infestation Myth in Dascapus | World Anvil
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The Great Mining Infestation

What follows is the copy of a destroyed journal from 859AC, concerning a small mining somewhere in the south of former Drosten.   "The miners pushed too far and broke into a cavern containing all manner of creatures and monsters, not least of all a gelatinous ooze of unknown origins. Soldiers entered the cavern, and alongside the miners, they defeated the creatures, but it seems a small sliver of the ooze had managed to hide itself on one of the miners.   Over the course of several nights, it crawled into the poor wretch's head and took over his brain like a parasite. Using the body of the miner, it went back into the cavern and opened up a deeper area where the rest of the parasite ooze colony could be found. Slowly but surely, more of these creatures made their way back into the village and infected the citizens, taking over and turning the village into a nest for them to grow stronger and multiply.   This went on quietly for a number of years before anything out of the ordinary was discovered. Being an out of the way place, it was perfect for the creatures to bolster themselves in secret. However, it was eventually discovered, and we were ordered to eradicate all infected individuals and destroy the town with flames to ensure nothing remained.   During the fighting, we battled the creatures back to their cave and found an ancient relic hiding amongst the walls of the place. We're unsure of it's origin, but it seems to be ancient and dangerous - any of us who approached the thing fell ill within hours, and we believe the ooze creatures may be related to the artefact too.   We sealed the cave and collapsed any and all entrances we could find to prevent any further issues or infections. We have been also been ordered to remove any signage relating to the village in the surrounding areas, and redact as much information as possible regarding it. This journal really should be destroyed too, but there has to be some record of the fate of these poor villagers.   I only hope we managed to fully resolve this."


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