Mutemount Settlement in Dascapus | World Anvil
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Mutemount is one of the largest trading towns in Drosten ; being right along the border of Shathen , it provides a direct trade route with them, as well having roads leading South and North-West, further into Drosten. Each section of the town is organised into blocks, each with their own purpose and function.

Market Block

The market block is directly on the eastern edge of town, with a large marketplace in the centre and several warehouses, businesses and taverns.
The Next Best Pub
The Next Best Pub is a fairly infamous tavern within Mutemount itself. It’s said that Hönig began in this particular tavern and eventually spread across the country as it was on the perfect trade route.
Rusted Chain
The Rusted Chain is a smithy and armour/weapons shop on the edge of the marketplace, run by a Halfling man named Marven; he’s in his 60s, tanned skin with several burn marks and scars from the years of smithing, quite muscular and has greyish-black hair cut into short back and sides.
Bernard’s Beasts
In the marketplace, there is a stall run by a half-elf by the name of Bernard von Midham, a man in his 30s who sells all manor of strange beasts, including flying snakes, hounds, dragon cats, etc.

Hönig Brewery

The Hönig brewery is just off of the Market Block and takes up an entire block within the town itself, due to the extensive bee farms on the land. It is guarded by a private force and even members of the Fist are loathed to try and enter the grounds as they are often met with cold stares and refusals to allow entry. The current head of the Hönig family is a human male named Fabio Hönig; a podgy man in his late 50s, a head of thinning brown hair and a hooked nose, obviously used to looking down on people. His trophy wife, Elaina, clearly isn’t in this for the love. Between them, they have a son and daughter named Dominik and Jasmin respectively.

Worship Block

The Worship Block lies on the north side of town and was where the various churches and temples to the Gods of Dascapus resided, but since King Isaac came into power, worship of the Old Gods and the New Gods have been outlawed. Therefore, the Worship Block has been closed off to the public and the Fist of the King are stationed around the entrances to this block, constantly patrolling and ensuring no one enters.
The Heralds of Ruin
What little is known of the Heralds of Ruin is that they were once all of the faithful; members of the Order of Lumen Velios, the religious sect that worships the New Gods.

Individuals of Note

Baron Karsten Weiss
Lawbringer Constantin Lehner
Trade Lord Jurgen Berner
High Priest Finn Dorn


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