Loreia Settlement in Darmoria | World Anvil
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This is the story of a town called Loreia, a large town hit by the The Great Wave and almost wiped from the surface of Darmoria. Being on the coast of Rhéanon this town got hit hard when the wave struck and was all but destroyed.   It was only due to the unique landscape of the area that anything survived there at all. The main town was washed away by the torrent of water that assailed it, however the large hill and steep inland cliff face of granite rock caused much of the water to flow over the more low laying areas, the water choosing the path of least resistance. It was on this hill that thankfully a gathering of people was going on which, as luck would have it, saved their lives. Had these people been in their homes they would surely have perished. As they saw the water hit and their whole lives get washed away terror struck many of them. Some were indeed hit and did not survive as the hill was not entirely left untouched but one man, named Bertrand Charmier, saw the town flag get cast aside on the lower part of this hill. When it was safe to do so he took the initiative and went to collect the tattered remains of this flag. he was an old man of 65 yet he did not let his age stop him, Bertrand had always been a strong man so on the edge of the cliff where it could be seen for miles he raised this flag pole. As he did this others who saw what was going on rushed to help, driving the flag in to the ground.   This acted like a beacon of hope to anyone around lucky enough to survive and Bertrand was branded a hero for his actions. Those that were able, flocked to the area in search of refuge from the horror that had just turned their whole lives upside down. Many were in a very bad way and without urgent medical care they would not last the night. As many more people gathered, those that had a medical background started helping the injured. Some were beyond help with the meagre resources at hand and died of their injuries, but many did survive. Then as is the way with so many sick and injured people gathered in one area without proper medical and sanitary systems in place, sickness and disease set in. Word was sent to the capital city Britéa but no help was forthcoming. The survivors being left to fend for themselves. Eventually the people started to rebuild their lives, founding Loreia once more but this time on top of the hill that saved their lives rather than by the coast.
Large town


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