Saab Ta-jubal Character in Darkplane | World Anvil
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Saab Ta-jubal

Sultan Saab Ta-Jubal (a.k.a. The Prophet)

Sultan Saab has made a move, within hours of his father's passing, to claim power and control as the head of the Ta-jubal family. A young and ambitious member of the family, he views himself as the mouthpiece for Lachmarum (Daemoth) in this region - called to lead his family and his people back towards obedience to God. He is claiming title of Sultan to better represent his ties to God and rulership, deviating from his father's self-claimed titled of King.   Sultan Saab's physicality is more reflective of human, but this is in part due to his lighter skin color, and the surgical removal of his subtle tusks.


Religious Views

Saab Ta-Jubal has been described by some as a new prophet of Lachmarum, and by others as a zealot - and not necessarily negatively.  He has begun his platform of ruling over the plutocrats of Qur-Dolakh, primarily based on the resurgence and re-union of the people to the worship of the Lord of the Fallow.  He has close ties with the mosque in Asayabat, and aims to cleanse the city of non-believers, and make sure obedience to the laws of God are upheld no matter the cost.

Wealth & Financial state

  • Asayabat Palace
  • Asayabat Gardens
  • Red Cavx Ore mines
  • Ta-jubal navy
  • Undisclosed coffers of gold, art, spices, gems, and valuable trade commodities
  • Several farmlands to the northwest of the capital
  • Northern mining operations of Qur-Dolakh.
  • Asayabat armory
  • Royal courier service
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Current Residence
Palace - Asayabat
Dark brown
Matted and short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Brown
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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