Task Force: Red-Tau Military Formation in Dark Heart: Maleficarum | World Anvil

Task Force: Red-Tau

Essentially acting as a rapid response unit and scout force, Red-Tau, more commonly called the 'Pony Express' by agents within the FBCD, is usually first on the scene of new developments. At least the loud ones.   While equipped to deal with threats, they travel light and are not intended to engage threats directly. Instead, they use their superior speed to both skirmish with the enemy and report any details they can gather back to the more heavy-hitting taskforces as they arrive.   When there isn't an active threat, they act as a courier service for the FBCD. Delivering messages considered to be too confidential to be delivered over telegraph.



While the Pony Express has one of the larger taskforces in the FBCD, they operate in some of the smallest teams. Somewhere around the 2-4 mark, well below the organization's usual standards for large movement operations    Its many members are scattered across the country and beyond, ready to ride like the wind whenever necessary.


Needing to travel light, they are mostly equipped with carbines and pistols and only carrying the bare minimum of rations and other camping supplies. They often travel without light, not carrying lanterns or torches as they ride.


The Pony Express is given the best horses around. Bred specifically for the taskforce by businesses run by the FBCD, they're a point of pride amongst the taskforce. Anyone seen riding their species of horse without the patch of the Pony Express is asking to get their ass handed to them.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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