Edibility Amongst The Dark Document in Dank Dopths | World Anvil
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Edibility Amongst The Dark

A small adventuring cookbook and foraging guide.

To survive in the dark without losing yourself, three things are needed: light, water, and food. Sadly I won't be able to assist you with the first two, but this book should hopefully help with the third. - "Fluer"


The small book was one survivalists way of imparting their knowledge to their companions before they set out on a journey of their own. The original author's name is only recorded as "Fluer" in a small excerpt directed to their companions.   Nowadays, it is a stable within adventurers guilds for amateur and experiences adventurers alike.

Document Structure


The small book is divided unevenly between survival tips and identifying food that is able to be scavenged and foraged in the dark, and recipes involving those very ingredients.

Publication Status

The small book, once found, was rewritten and published thanks to another adventurer. Said adventurer left Fluer's statement and author intent intact, and merely made public copies of it. While not a common book, it is definitely public access.

Historical Details


When the document got out to the public, and to adventurers guild specifically, there was a noticeable decrease in death by starvation from amateur adventurers.
Guide, Survival

Cover image: by Daniel Reche


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