Vlfier Species in Dall Gilc | World Anvil


A race that was created by the Cinlheem C'asalia Tribe. They are a mix of Western Elves, Mactire Kith, Scúnc Kith, Fia Kith, and Nymphs.   They were created to become a lifetime slaves to this particular tribe. Though, even among the other tribes of the C'asalia, race creation/breeding is viewed with mixed feelings. Vlfiers were bred much like Miks, letting only those they view should continue to breed to make even better slaves. The Cinlheem view mating with Vlfiers below them and any children produced from such a pairing will be killed. It's very rare that a War Cheif allows the child to be spared and raised in the rank of the C'asalia, and even then only females.   Males are mostly sent to do hard physical labor and are not treated very well by their Cinlheem masters. They are rarely asked to become a Cinlheem sexual partner and usually in this case if they are they are given a vesectomy to insure that no cross breeding happens by accident. When dealing with bribing the Valant to keep away from their tribe members they will give them offerings of their males. Even though they wish to have females into the mix they are still all too happy to have a tidbit of such a rare race as the ones they made.   Females are given jobs that let them work in the household mostly cooking and cleaning. They are also the one's chosen by most to also give their bodies over to their mistresses's desires. Because they covet female Vlfier's more they are used alot as a form of currency among themselves. They are used to settle debts, show favor to another, or used to show political ties to one another. Thus the more female Vlfier one has the more important they are seen (kind of like having the most land or money in other cultures).   Because of their Nymph and Fia Kith blood, their horns grow like tree's, producing flowers and in some cases even fruit. No one is allowed to cut off a Vlfier's horns for if they do it will instantly kill them. The horns on their head act like the home tree does for Nymphs. While this is a big handicap, the antlers are very hard to cut off, being as strong as any blade. It takes alot of force and many hours to get even to the center of the antlers, which is an extremely painful situation for them to go through.   From the Western Elf side they seem to have about 80% of having twins which was very prevalent in Juv the first of the Vlfier line.   The hair color they have ranges from Black, to Blue and Green, to even Silver.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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