Mantarhold - Elkinhold war Military Conflict in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Mantarhold - Elkinhold war

Following their front's success in the Second Gau Dwarovar coalition war, Mantarhold didn't want to waste a single decade and decided to begin their unified march against Elkinhold with the help of Vin Tallim.

The Conflict


Perhaps it is due to Vin Tallim's reasignment of troops that Senhold and Gau Dwarovar managed to hold back the forces of Haer'in inside the Secon Gau Dwarovar coalition war. Many speculate that the nation could have been broken if not for this war reallocation the Soldiers.


There were three fronts, one sieging front from Vin Tallim in the southeast and two northern fronts, with the combined units of Mantarhold - Vin Tallim.

The Engagement

The siege was unsuccessful, Elkinhold's defenses were severely underestimated. The warriors of Elkinhold thus fully focused on the northern fronts where they managed to defend somehow with the brilliant tactics of their Generals, whose names we have unfortunately lost to time.


Mantarhold and Vin Tallim had been gradually pulling out from The Second Gau Dwarovar coalition war, but once they found themselves losing battles they had to allocate all their forces away from there.


Elkinhold's prestige rapidly increased as the first nation to have successfully held off Mantarhold's new division tactics.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
-3628 AoE, Hőleg 52.
Ending Date
-3530 AoE, Hőleg 52.
Conflict Result
Elkinhold managed to hold back the attackers


Mantarhold - Vin Tallim alliance


Around 4000
Around 5000


Around 4000


Defend their territories
Conquer Elkinhold's territories

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