Dragongate Building / Landmark in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Dragongate (drægəngeɪt)

Dragongate is less of a physical gate, and more of a set of bridges over ravines filled with lava and Dragons. It provides a path between Dragon's Den and the rest of the Caverns of Dwarovar.

Purpose / Function

A defendable set of structures that allow passage between Dragon's Den and the Caverns of Dwarovar.


Due to the destructive nature of most Dragons, repairs and renovations are almost constant.


None, the unstable bridges are difficult enough to cross.


The passages were first built as a foothold to fight Dragons on, before they enter civilized territory and cause mayhem. During Elkinhold's control it's been mainly used by Dragonborn escaping the den, or those stealing eggs from Dragons.   After Drake Commune took the land it's mostly just been used as a bridge between Dragonír and the rest of the nation.
Founding Date
-2216 AoE
Alternative Names
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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