Dragonír Settlement in Dali'en | World Anvil
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Dragonír (drɒgoniːr)

It's often called the first Dragonborn settlement, first started as a place where Dragonborn eggs are hatched and cared for.


Dragonborn majority.


The government puts heavy emphasis on Dragonborn welfare, and living conditions. Which may not be to the liking of a non-Dragonborn citizen and causes many political and social issues.


The Town - the town is the central and largest district of Dragonír, it's basically most of the settlement.   The Hatcheries - located far above the town, The Hatcheries is a district where Dragonborn are born, and usually settle too. Sometimes it feels like an entirely separate place, with its own culture. The Guards also overlook The Town from here.

Guilds and Factions

There are two major political factions, those that want the town to be a safe haven for Dragonborn, and those that want equal conditions for all dali.


Around 600 AoL it had a major rebellion where it tried to separate from Elkinhold. However with the guidance of Minerva Elkföl the rebellion was crushed, something that many think was an impossible feat and earned her notoriety within the town.   The settlement was taken by the Drake Commune during Drake Commune's surprise war against Elkinhold.

Points of interest

Dali that wish to adopt or hatch Dragonborn should head up to The Hatcheries.
Founding Date
431 AoL
Alternative Name(s)
Dragontown, Dragonfort
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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