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Blinking Bee

The Blinking Bee is an anomalous insect species first described in Dain in year 50AU. While it resembles a regular honey bee, it can travel in straight lines at a lightning speed.   A worker Blinking Bee, when stationary, is nearly indistinguishable from its more common cousin. It is 2-3 cm long, with striped black and yellow body, brown fuzzy coat, six legs and a single pair of wings. They can be recognized only by additional antenna in the front of their heads. The difference from the other insects is instantly noticeable when it takes flight. It zigzags in an unpredictable pattern, instantly travelling straight distances between short periods of reorienting its body. The researchers at the University of Erwy currently suggest that the flight path is not entirely under the bee's control, otherwise it wouldn't need to readjust trajectory this often.   The life cycle of the Blinking Bee is similar to all other honey bees. It forms hives with a queen at the center, and all the usual elements of hive hierarchy can be observed. The hives themselves are terryfying, with dozens of bees moving around them in an eerie dance, each jump in space accompanied by a sharp whistle. Fortunately they are quite rare, as the species, while not contained, did not propagate far beyond its discovery point. Honey of the Blinking Bee, while considered a delicacy, only earned this title due to its rarity, as it tastes disappointingly normal.   The Blinking Bee was first discovered in an illegal plantation of the Mehethal flowers, which are used to produce narcoric substances. It was one of the largest plantations its kind and, according to its owners, active for over ten years. When Erwy guardsmen entered the property, they were greeted with the sight of hundreds of Blinking Bees feeding on the hallucinogenic flowers. The owners were not able to pinpoint a time when they noticed the bees for the first time, but assessed it at 45AU. The seizure operation had only one casualty, an officer of the guard who approached a hive without facial protection and was instantly covered and stung by large number of the insects. This lead to the initial decree of exterminating the Blinking Bee, before the University researchers intervened. The plantation used powdered sefia as a soil adjuvant in hopes of recreating the natural habitat of the flowers. While unsuccessful, they hypothesized that it was a possible reson for the bee metamorphosis and would help in their studies of the Change.


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Aug 3, 2022 23:52

This seems like a fun species! I like how you tied in the discovery and possible origins of the bee with other aspects of your world. Does the university now house the only known hives of the blinking bee? Or do some still live in the area surrounding the illegal operation?

Aug 5, 2022 11:21

Thank you! I think the blinking bee carved a niche for themselves in the local ecosystem. It's quite hard to exterminate insect species with late medieval/early renaissance technology, so while they were initially decimated, they definitely found a way to survive in the wild. Their navigation skills are a bit impaired, so they don't travel too far and are endemic. On the other hand very few birds bother with cathing constantly teleporting bees and smaller animals are afraid of the unpredictability around the hives, so the bees are relatively safe.

Aug 7, 2022 08:17 by Grace Gittel Lewis

Oooh these are fun! Is there any advantage this ability grants them?