Ebon Spire Building / Landmark in Daimon | World Anvil

Ebon Spire

The headquarters of The Whisper, is a towering structure located in the heart of Citadel Whispersong
Carved from a massive stalactite, the spire rises above the citadel, its smooth, obsidian surface covered with magical wards.


The surface of the Ebon Spire is composed of polished obsidian, giving it a sleek and reflective appearance. The obsidian sheen is magically enhanced to capture and amplify ambient light, creating an illusion of stars dancing across its surface in the darkness.
  • Gargoyles
The exterior of the spire is adorned with intricately carved gargoyles, each crafted in the likeness of hooded gnomes. These stone figures seem to whisper secrets to passersby, enhancing the eerie ambiance of the spire.
  • Glyphs
Runes and arcane glyphs are subtly etched into the obsidian, concealing powerful protective wards and enchantments. These hidden symbols further fortify the spire against intrusion and serve as a testament to the magical prowess of The Whisper.
  • Entrance
The entrance to Ebon Spire is a grand hall framed by a towering arch, its obsidian surface adorned with mystical symbols that react to the touch of the Silent Gesture


Whispers of Shadows
The interiors of Ebon Spire are designed to amplify the acoustics of the Silent Gesture. Gnomish architects have incorporated materials that seem to absorb sound, creating an environment where whispers carry clearly while other sounds are muffled.
Spiraling Staircases
Spiral staircases crafted from darkened metal wind their way through the interior of the spire, connecting various levels. These staircases are designed to provide efficient access while maintaining a sense of mystery as one ascends the tower.
Council Chambers
The Council Chambers at the pinnacle of Ebon Spire is a circular room with an obsidian table at its center. The table is engraved with constellations and magical symbols, emphasizing the connection between The Whisper and the arcane forces they harness.
Shadowforge Workshop
Deep within the spire, the Shadowforge Workshop is a cavernous space illuminated by the glow of molten magical alloys. Here, skilled artisans craft enchanted items and artifacts, surrounded by the rhythmic hum of arcane machinery.

Parent Location
Owning Organization


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