The Whisper Organization in Daimon | World Anvil

The Whisper

The Whisper is a clandestine organization, guided by a mysterious council all gnomes, that operates in the shadows, manipulating events and infiltrating other organizations to achieve their goals. Their main headquarters is situated in a vast, subterrean citadel hidden deep beneath the surface, known only to a select few.   They use other thieve and assassins guilds, have assets inifiltrated on law and other legal organizations; those assest really don't know to who or the ultimate goal they are working.


  • A council of secret members with codenames as a ruling body
  • At least three different mercenary bodies as guards.
  • Spies, infultrates and other paid assests across different organizations.
  • Other contracted oraganizations, both legar or illegal, and adventurers / individuals to do theri bidings.


The Whisper specialize in infiltrating other organizations, whether governmental, mercantile, or magical, to manipulate events and gain influence. They use covert tactics, including espionage and coercion, to further their agenda.

Public Agenda

They don't have a public agenda His goals are secretive.   Secret Goal
Expansion Across the Sea: The organization is actively working to gain a foothold in a new continent, with a focus on establishing control over a major city across the sea. Their motives for expansion remain shrouded in secrecy.
    Asset in a renow organization
The Whisper have a crucial asset within the New Gnome Human Chemist Order (NEGHUCO). This asset is a high-ranking alchemist named Professor Vialenth Quickfuse. Professor Quickfuse is a master of both alchemy and enchantment, and the Whisper have ensnared them through a combination of blackmail and promises of forbidden knowledge.


  • Arcane Library of Shadows
A hidden repository of forbidden knowledge, magical tomes, and ancient scrolls, accessible only to members of the Whisper. It contains powerful spells, dark rituals, and information on manipulating both magic and minds.
  • Network of Spies and Informants
A vast network of spies strategically placed in key organizations and cities across the southern continent. These spies provide valuable information and facilitate the Whisper infiltration efforts.
  • Compromising Magic
A collection of macial objets or spells with the power to influence and control individuals. These artifacts are strategically used to manipulate key figures, turning them into unwitting allies or puppets of the Whisper.
  • Shadowport Nexus
A hidden, magical portal network connecting the headquarter and stronghold of the Whisper. This allows for swift and secret travel, enabling the organization to respond rapidly to emerging opportunities or threats.
  • Economic Leverage
Subtle control over key economic activities, including trade routes, markets, and resource flows. The Whispering Gnomes manipulate financial systems to ensure that their interests are served without attracting undue attention.
  • Whisperweave Cloaks
Cloaks woven with magical threads that enhance stealth and make wearers difficult to detect. These cloaks are often used during covert operations and allow Whisper spies to move silently and undetected.
  • Clandestine Laboratories
Secret alchemical laboratories dedicated to crafting potions, poisons, and magical concoctions. These laboratories provide the organization with a constant supply of tools for covert operations and subversion.
  • Subterranean Strongholds
Three hidden and well-fortified bases located in the depths of the southern continent. These strongholds serve as meeting places for the Council of Whispers, secure storage for sensitive information, and training grounds for operatives.
These assets collectively empower the Whispering Gnomes to operate in secrecy, manipulate events, and pursue their mysterious and potentially nefarious goals.

In shadows we weave, in whispers we thrive.

Founding Date
-5 A (Alliance)
Illicit, Gang
Base of Operations:
The primary headquarters of the Whisper is an elaborate, subterranean city hidden beneath the southern continent. Accessible only through secret passages and magically concealed entrances, this city serves as the nerve center for their covert operations.
Strongholds: Three stronghold located two in the south of the continent, 1 subterrean near the headquarters, the other in the border of the gnome and human empire to the east. The other is subterrean near the ancient elven forest almost at the center of the contient, a few miles of the minos capital Exor
Legislative Body
The ruling body of the Whisper is the Council of Whispers, a group of enigmatic gnomes who operate in complete secrecy. Each member is known only by a code name, such as "Shadowweaver" or "Silentblade." The council's motives and identities are closely guarded secrets even among the organization's members.
Controlled Territories
Related Species
Signal: The Silent Gesture
Members of the Whisper recognize each other through a discreet hand gesture known as the Silent Gesture. It involves placing the right hand over the heart, fingers forming a nearly closed circle, and then extending the thumb forward. This symbolizes secrecy, trust, and the organization's commitment to working in the shadows.

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