Sa'riel Pass Geographic Location in D&D | World Anvil

Sa'riel Pass

Sa'riel Pass is a canyon splitting the Sandserpent Mountains, connecting West Bharazad and East Bharazad.   Sa'riel Pass is home to a litany of savage beasts. Cockatrices are abundant, and preyed upon by Chimeras. Greatest of all is The Living Mountain; an enormous, spiraling stone shell encasing an immensely powerful druidic spirit.  


  The Gates of Sa'riel. The common name for the canyon's southern entrance, which is flanked by two enormous dragon statues carved into the canyon's walls.   D'haaran Pilgrim Stone. A hulking head carved of stone, leering down from the canyon's walls and bearing the symbol of D'haar; a traditional site of pilgrimage for D'haaran clerics.

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