Ardün Character in D'neth | World Anvil
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Divine Domains

Beginnings, infinity, and victory

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A golden crown of laurel leaves on a blood red field

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Created humanity, the Dhaphén, and Síorladh

Personality Characteristics


Driven by jealousy for his brother's unique role within the cosmos and desire to prove himself over his siblings, Ardün spent eons fostering a violent rivalry with his brother. The dispute ultimately resulted in both brothers being imprisoned in the Tower of Stars before Ardün was rescued by his daughter, the Nightmare. Enraged by his imprisonment at his sisters' hands, he plotted his revenge against them over the following centuries before eventually taking out all eleven of them in one fell swoop with the intention of taking over each of their respective Towers. Once the Towers are under his control, Ardün would stand as the sole, undisputed ruler of D'neth


Contacts & Relations

Co-creator of humankind with Nimagos

Family Ties

Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hand of Creation
Circumstances of Death
Shattered and destroyed by the champions of the Dhaphen.


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