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Mousers are small domesticated felines used by humans as pets or pest prevention. In the colder Kingdoms, such as Catrinel, Mousers are extremely popular in homes and establishments. Mice and other small animals tend to look for warm places to live in the winter, these places being peoples' homes. Mousers prevent, or at the very least curb, these unwanted and dangerous infestations.

Mousers were named after their tendency to hunt mice, though mice are not the only thing Mousers catch.

Anatomy and Abilities

Mousers are four-legged, rather flexible animals, with rounded-off triangular faces and slightly pointed noses. They typically have long tails, sharp, retractable claws, large pointed ears, and large rounded eyes. They also have unusually long hairs on their faces called whiskers, the purpose of these is unknown.

by Scarlet Spitfire


Mousers are incredibly agile, and every part of them is built to aid in the agility. Agility is what makes a Mouser an excellent hunter, and effective pest control. One of the feline's primary sources of flexibility are their legs. Mousers are equipped with strong hind legs allowing great jumps and leaps. The Mouser's hind legs can also deliver strong defensive kicks. These kicks combined with a Mousers sharp claws can tear through the belly of their enemies. The felines also have equally powerful forelegs, able to crush the skulls and spines of mice in a single blow. On all four legs Mousers have sharp, curved claws, perfect for grabbing onto anything, and not letting go. Aiding in their flexibility, Mousers have loose skin and somewhat malleable bones. This allows the felines to contort into odd shapes, even allowing the Mouser to pass through tight spaces. In order for a Mouser to maintain balance when jumping and running, the animal required a tail. Although a Mouser can still jump and run effectively without a tail, having one is important for a Mouser. The tail itself is even more flexible than the rest of the feline's body. The tail can also be used to identify a Mouser's mood.

The paws of a Mouser are equipped with sharp, hook-like, retractable claws. When the claws are sheathed, a Mouser's steps are nearly silent. When out, the claws can rip and tear flesh of any kind. Unfortunatly for the prey, a Mouser's claws can grab and hold onto nearly anything.


A Mouser has powerful crushing jaws, with several sets of curved fangs that prevent the escape of prey. There are two sets of fangs on the bottom jaw, the smaller set hiding behind the larger. The upper jaw has three sets of fangs. The largest of the sets is slated in the middle. The smallest set sits in front of the larger, and the medium set sits just behind the larger. The fangs are capable of delivering spine-severing blows upon prey.

A Mouser's skull also holds nearly all of its most important senses. The feline's large eyes being one of the most important. Mousers have slit pupils, allowing the felines to see in any light. These pupils can dilate to an extraordinary size, nearly replacing all the color of the feline's eyes. These pupils can also shrink to nearly nothing, appearing to be small line or black slit in the eye. Aside from the eyes, the Mouser's ears and nose are also held in the skull. The nose of a Mouser may be rather small, but still powerful. A Mouser can scent its prey from several miles away. The Mouser can also differentiate scents, aiding their hunt within the kitchens of large establishments and estates. A Mouser's hearing is quite incredible. The ears rotate and swivel on the animal's head, meaning the Mouser can hear nearly anything, anywhere. A Mouser can hear its prey scurrying within the walls, floors, or ceilings. The combination of hearing and smell make a Mouser an ideal hunter. Mousers have much stronger hearing than humans.


Mousers are equipped with a form of Knowledge Magic that allows them to know how large or small a space is, and if they can fit into the space. Owners and caretakers have observed their Mousers crawling into tight spaces, spaces that seemed impossible for a Mouser to fit in. They would also see their Mousers refusing to crawl into another seemingly equal tight space. Through these observations, scholars concluded Mousers know how large a space is, though there is no explanation for just how the Mousers can perceive and understand the size of the space. Without an explanation of how the Mousers obtained this knowledge, it became clear that this knowledge was indeed a form of Knowledge Magic.

Later studies have expanded upon Mousers' Magic. It was discovered Mousers not only know how large a single space is, they can connect rooms and passages together, and have seemingly intricate mental map of whatever place they call home. Mousers chasing their prey were observed to find alternate routes if they could not follow the prey through an area. This Magic has made the Mouser an incredible hunter, even for places with dozens of maze-like corridors.


Mousers can have a variety of colors, along with a variety of patterns. Mousers can be red, orange, black, brown, and any lighter shade of those colors, along with pure white. Lighter shades of black are often named after shades of blue or purple, despite not truly being blue or purple. Any of these colors can be seen in nearly any pattern.


Tabby Mousers can have a few different patterns; stripes, blotches, or spots. Stripes are the most common. All tabby Mousers have a base color, and a darker color which creates the pattern. The darker color is simply a darker shade of the base color.

Pure orange Mousers always have a tabby pattern.

Striped Tabby

Striped Tabby Mousers have dozens of vertical stripes lining their bodies. The pattern gives a similar appearance to fish bones.

Blotched Tabby

The colors of a Mouser with this pattern create swirls and circles. This pattern takes a similar appearance to marble.

Spotted Tabby

Mousers with this pattern have dark rounded spots all around their fur. They may have some stripes, but otherwise they have evenly spread, rounded spots


A solid pattern is no true pattern, but is considered one for the sake of classification. Solid Mousers can have any version of black and brown, along with white. There is no record of a solid orange or red Mouser.


A Mouser with this pattern simply has two colors, with one of them always being white or red, or any lighter version of red. The other color can be any version of orange, black, or brown. There can also be an underlying tabby pattern in the patches of color.


Similar to bicolor, a Mouser with this pattern has three colors, one of them always being white or red, or any version of red. The other two colors can only be any version of orange or black. There can also be an underlying tabby pattern in the patches of color.


A tortoiseshell Mouser has mixed patches of black and orange, or their variants. They have no white or red coloration.

The patches of color on a bicolor Mouser with red and orange may take a similar appearance to a tortoiseshell, but these Mousers are not considered to have the tortoiseshell pattern.


Shaded Mousers have half light fur and half dark fur. The colors are varying shades of the same color, such as black and gray. The colors are not in patches, but seem to be deeply intertwined. This pattern can have some interesting effects.

Black and gray mix well with this pattern. The colors seem to make the Mouser look smokey. This coloration is prized among this pattern.


In colorpoint Mousers, their face, paws, and tail have a darker color than the rest of their body. Colorpoint Mousers can be any color, and can have a tabby pattern on their colored points.


Only the tips of the Mousers fur are dark. This can create a shiny effect with light colored Mousers. Tipped Mousers can be any color.


A fire-light Mouser is very similar to a shaded Mouser, however, this pattern always includes red, or any of its variants. These Mousers have a red undercoat, which tends to shorter than the rest of the fur, and a primary color as a part of the main coat. These other colors can be orange, black, or brown, or any other version of these colors. Fire-light Mousers can have underlying tabby patterns, however, most do not, including orange Mousers with this pattern.


Mousers typically have either long or short length fur coats. After the length of the fur, there is the thickness of the coats. Mousers with thicker coats are better off in cooler temperatures than warmer, and Mousers with thinner coats are better off in warmer or moderate temperatures than cooler. The length of the coat does not define the thickness, nor how the Mouser can handle cooler temperatures.

Mousers shed and grow out their coats depending on the temperature and seasons. In the warm seasons, a Mousers coat will be thinner. As the season grow darker and colder, the coat grows thicker. Once the seasons warm again, the extra thickness of the Mousers coat is shed. While Mousers are excellent pest control, they do leave a mess of their own with their shed fur.

Breed Dependent Traits


Some Mouser breeds lack tails. These tailless breeds were believed to have originated from a genetic mutation. These tailless Mousers are popular in more crowded establishments and anywhere with many heavy doors. Tailless Mousers are preferred in places where Mouser tails may get caught often.


Like tailless Mousers, these have short tails. Although bobtailed Mousers can be used in the same places as tailless Mousers, they are primarily used to show wealth. Bobtailed Mousers are rarer than tailless Mousers, so anyone with money will pick a bobtailed Mouser over a tailless one.

Curly Coats

A few Mouser breeds have odd, curly fur coats. The fur can be long or incredibly short, close to hairlessness in some parts of the coat. Long curly coats are excellent for colder environments, just the same as normal long coats. Mousers with curly fur are viewed peculiar, but not extraordinary. Some people do enjoy the look and feel of the fur, creating, or creating the demand for the curly coated breeds.

Some mixed-breed Mousers may occasionally have curly coated kittens, even if neither mother or father does not have the coat.


Mousers without fur were found to be excellent for much warmer climates that still need Mousers. Their lack of fur requires them to be in warmer conditions anyway.

They originated from a genetic mutation, just like the rest. Hairless Mousers may not always be "hairless", as some can have extremely fine hairs. Their skin feels leathery to the touch, and the coloration and patterns on their skin reflects what their fur would have looked like, were they born with fur.


Similar to humans, all Mousers have unique personalities. Although the species as a whole have some common behaviors that are communicated through various ways.

Common Behaviors


When a Mouser is angry, its ears will flatten, and it will warn anyone nearby of its mood with a hiss. Often the Mouser will display its claws, and take a firm stance on the ground. Its tail will flick back and forth, and if it is truly angry, it may lunge for an attack.


When a Mouser is confident, it will walk with its tail high. It is not running low to the ground, it walks calmly.


When a Mouser is determined, it is hunched low to the ground and walks quietly. It usualy has its eyes set on prey. It does not dart its eyes around, it is completly focused on its prey.


When a Mouser is fearful, it is low to the ground, darting its head all around. It may also have its tail tucked between its legs if it is truly afraid.


When a Mouser is happy, it will purr with a quite rumbling sound. They may also knead their choosen bed like bread dough. It is unknown why the do either of these things, but they are a sure sign of happiness.


When a Mouser is playful, it will run all around. Their eyes will usualy be quite wide, and their tails will flick. Mousers enjoy hiding from their playmate and then running and chasing eachother around.

Displaying Affection

Mousers display their affection differently to other animals, such as dogs. Some Mousers simply enjoy the company of their masters, others prefer the physical affection of their masters or companions.

If a Mouser desires physical affection, the Mouser will either beg for it, or take it. A Mouser may choose to climb into their masters lap, or climb onto their shoulders. Mousers also groom eachother as a display of affection. Occasionally, Mousers will try the same for their human masters.


The well-being of working Mousers is simple. They only need access to their own water, a quiet and secluded place, and a way to get outside. If they are seen to be sick or injured their caretaker should respond immediately, however, anything else Mousers can find themselves.

Pet Mousers require more attention, or rather they are given the attention. Instead of learning to find solutions to their needs, Mousers are taught to expect it from their masters.


Mousers are carnivores, and primarily eat meat. Feeding them other foods with their meat, such as cooked soft veggies, is accepted, so long as their meals are mostly meat.

Squirrel, Fish, and poultry seem to be favorites among Mousers. Feeding them one of these is best to ensure they finish their meals.


Mousers must be groomed in order to ensure their fur stays clean and neat. Combing through their fur is an excellent way to prevent matting. Bathing Mousers is also excellent at removing unwanted dirt, dust, and bugs from Mousers. Unfortunately, Mousers do not enjoy bathing, and will often put up a fight to get out of the bath.


Mousers require some form of affection. This is usually solved by having multiple Mousers in a home, if this is not possible, then the Mouser will require human affection. Simple pats or strokes are enough for most Mousers. Some may require more affection, preferring to be held and cuddled by their master. If a Mouser does not receive this attention, it may run away or become depressed and unable to work. For both pet Mousers and working Mousers, affection is required for their well-being.


Mousers are believed to be descendants of an old wildcat species. Some Humans were believed to have tamed or befriended a few, and soon many more. Soon kittens of the tamed arrived. Then their kittens, and their kittens. Eventually, Humans had an animal that was bred to hunt mice and follow their word.


Pest Control

The Mousers' name comes from their instinct to hunt mice. This instinct became incredibly useful to humans when mice started to choose human homes as their homes. Mousers prevent mice and other small mammals or birds from staying in human homes. Humans find their homes cleaner, with no extra pests getting into food or their stored water.


Those who can afford it have found comfort in the affections of Mousers. These people will keep Mousers as loyal companions, and will feed them instead of forcing them to hunt for themselves. Mousers as pets also provide excellent entertainment through their play. For some, the simple comfort a Mouser brings is enough.

Secret Messengers

As Mousers are highly intelligent, they can be trained to carry messages in secret. A Mouser is incredibly tricky to catch or spot when it chooses not to be seen. This ability is desirable for military efforts or spies within kingdoms.

Symbols of Wealth

In any of their use cases, Mousers can be considered a symbol of wealth. Having many Mousers to prevent mice is considered a trait of clean homes. Having many Mousers of differing origin is considered a trait of wealthy, clean homes. It is not too difficult to gain a mother Mouser and have kittens, but it is difficult to have many Mousers each from different mothers.

Having Mousers as pets is also considered something only a wealthy man can do. It is believed only a wealthy man has the money to waste on a pet that gives little in return. Pet Mousers often do not hunt like working Mousers. Food is given to them every morning and night. Willingly giving food to an animal that can feed itself is either considered a luxury or an abuse of wealth and power.

Symbols of Cleanliness

Mousers are considered symbols of cleanliness due to their removal of mice in the homes of Cyntalis. Not owning a Mouser is seen having an uncontrollable mouse problem.

Mousers are also considered clean because of their grooming. Mouser caretakers observed Mouser cleanliness. They observed Mousers to be excellent at removing mouse blood from their muzzles. Mousers were also seen to remove dirt and dust from their coats. Mousers are able to maintain a clean-looking coat despite their dirty work.


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Mar 26, 2024 12:59 by Dimitris Havlidis

That is a truly well done species article - well done ScarletSpitfire

World Anvil Founder & Chief Grease Monkey
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Mar 26, 2024 21:40 by Scarlet Spitfire

Thank you so much Dimitris!