Mitsubishi Torus Settlement in Cybersmily's Cyberpunk 2020 World | World Anvil

Mitsubishi Torus

Mitsubishi Torus is privately owned by Mitsubushishi-Koridansu. The habitat houses 500 people and is situated at L-5, near to O'Neil One. This station hosts the majority of Mistubushi/Koridansu manurfactoring and research in space. This facility creates customized modular workshack components for all corporations within Orbit. They have negotiated a treaty with the O'Neil One Government that has been very lucrative for both parties. ESA has sighted the corporations on several incidents, some of these being the employeement of known terrorist, however the corporation has paid the various fines through the supplement of workshacks to ESA.

Orbital, Station
Owning Organization