Beijing Underground City Settlement in Cyberfei | World Anvil

Beijing Underground City

The Underground City is a Cold War era bomb shelter consisting of a network of tunnels located beneath Beijing, China. While portions of the city were open to the public from the year 2000 A.D. until 2008, much of it remained closed to the public and forgotten -- by design of the Sinithin who took up residence there. To this day it is the largest hub of Eastern [Thin] in the world, housing the majority of the Dili-Thin population.

Industry & Trade

Being home to exclusively Dark Elves, the major form of internal trade is in mining and metalwork, though silk trade is also prevalent as many traders will visit the human-run silk factory within the tunnels. Trade with the outside world is usually reserved for essentials such as food. Pre-uprising this would be carried out between ambassadors selected to represent the Thin, and fae contacts on the surface. Nowadays the trade can be carried out between an Ambassador and any surface trader, fae or human -- though fae is still preferred as the Thin are a secretive and protective group. As Beijing still runs on a credit system, Metalwork and jewellery are the primary source of income for the Thin there, and many commoner-Thin are impoverished as a result.
Beijing Underground City
one of the public corridors of the Beijing Underground
Underground / Vault
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Characters in Location

Cover image: by Alex Lee


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