Vampyres Species in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Vampyres are a human variant mutation preferred by a self-styled countercultural underclass, and by extension are the physical form most associated with casual anti-Terran sentiment across the empire.   In modern times the vampyre has spread across Terran space as a kind of Twist, a tolerated but oppressed mutation used by human populations for everything from hard labour and service jobs to disguises for poverty tourism. Vampyres are unique in that they are associated with teenage rebellion, (ill-advised) creative expression, political dissent and all things countercultural. Many humans go through a punk- goth-styled vampyre phase, to the frustration of conservative elements across the empire.   While existing partially as a phase or aesthetic, vampyres also remain as a social underclass with its own independent born population and steadily developing independent culture. Natural-born vampyres might resent the entry of pampered twist tourists into their species, but often instead see temporary inclusion as a form of recruitment. Like human supremacist activists, vampyre advocates often accept intricate skin tattoos to demonstrate their allegiance to their synthetic species and to prove that they do not cower in human skin during the day.   Many small businesses or retail franchises will hire a vampyre if they do not wish to pay a human's minimum wage or if they want a shop assistant whose presence pulls in the younger crowd, and some seek work as couriers or other jobs where cheap powered flight is a benefit. Relative poverty in much of the Empire is to be expected, but simply adds to the perceived bohemian lifestyle.

Basic Information


The traditional shape of a vampyre is a batlike humanoid with a set of fully functional membraneous wings formed from what used to be his hands, a slender build, large mouselike ears, short dark fur, and a narrow canine snout. Typically now includes include prehensile grasping feet as a concession towards tool use, and a carefully modelled resonant cavity in the throat allowing for much more potent and efficient control of the voice.   Additional accoutrements may occur according to additional vial features, such as a tail or extra digits on the wing, but are preiodically phased or bred out of the general population.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While echolocation is usually assumed, few to no vampyres have demonstrated the ability. They do, however, retain full flight capability as a matter of course.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Vampyres tend to be named according to the local human tradition, but emphasise the real or assumed names of influential musicians.

Common Dress Code

Clothes often consist of shorts or leggings, worn alone for men and layered over with a skirt or sarong for women, along with a minimalist top.   An attractive feature of the species is that the span of wing membrane from the shoulder to almost the hips, leaving the upper torso very difficult to fully clothe - this all but enforces a dress code designed to infuriate parents. A common workaround makes use of piercings made in the wing membrane just next to the ribcage and circular spacers inserted, which act as connection points for ties and other clothes. typical workplace attire for a vampyre therefore tends to keep the shoulders and stomach enitrely bare, trusting to a short shirt or sports bra to act as a mockery of traditional modesty.   Tattoos over the wing membranes are common, taking various stylistic forms according to local custom, and indicate a vampyre's intention to keep their current body indefinitely.


The original vampyre mutation was created around 220 years ago for Pyotr Thayer, the lead vocalist of still-influential thrash band Death's Chest and a resident of the satellite estates spread out in the vicinity of Betelguese. Thayer debuted their career-defining single live by appearing as a batlike humanoid - the sight polarised formal responses and both shocked and galvanised fans.   Official responses to the mutation included the arrest of the whole band, and in turn led to mass adoption of derivatives of the mutation in protest. The name 'Vampyre' was soon chosen to render the revulsion and fear of the great and powerful into self-parody - moralistic politicians and roving police terrified of an ancient ghost story.   Pyotr Thayer for their part was arrested and indefinitely detained by authorities in Rigelia Province, with freedom only on condition of returning to a respectable human shape. They instead took to their new celebrity identity as the First Vampyre, living the rest of their life under house arrest and both writing and recording music remotely. Coincidentally, this phase represented the more experimental and highly regarded later era of Death's Chest as a creative venture, and initiated their gradual rise into the cultural mainstream.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Related Ethnicities


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