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"How the years upon the wheel of time do spin. How many years have I watched through the eyes of others? The eras from the beginning of time until now. Forever the insistent ticking of time leading us all on to the inevitable at the end of it all. Yes, the frightening darkness that waits on the edge of your periphery. The hands of shadow that send an odd chill down your spine to remind you that they are waiting for you. Ever Waiting. Oh, but be wary the light too, young traveler: The Light decieves."
- From the Journal of Kaldris the Mad
  Welcome, traveler, to Crystalis! A world that is mired in the discovery of an ancient past, and perhaps a terrible future. It is a world where magic, while very much real, it still shrouded in myth and mystery. A world where the supernatural is feared by most, and rabidly worshiped by the fringe and insane. Streetlamps in busy cities alight the carriages and carts which carry both the nefarious and the noble. The click of boots on cobbled streets mix with the rhythmic music of street performers dancing to foreign tunes. The quiet farms and hamlets of the country are barely disturbed save for the occasional traveler or passerby. Yet, behind the picturesque of it all lies a tenseness that few could explain. It is a deep breath before the fall, or the silent breeze before the monsoon.   In Crystalis, one's fate is held in check by the Gods. However, it is not so that the Gods wish to monitor and predict your every move. There are much darker, and more powerful things awaiting those who delve too deeply into the aether. There are secrets that lie hidden within the world that were never meant to be discovered by mortals. This reality is fragile, and Fate is the thread that holds it all together. Severing one's ties to fate can lead to intellectual epiphanies and supernatural power rivaling that of those of myth and legend. A lack of fate, however, weakens your ties to the very world in which you exist. This is the delicate balance that is held with the Gods of Crystalis. They themselves are bound by rules far beyond the comprehension of even the long lived races.   Crystalis is a world that is meeting it's stride. New lands and peoples are being discovered, and grand advances in science, society, and politics are being made. Crystalis is undergoing a veritable age of discovery where harbors are graced with the white sails of ships soon to make their maiden voyage. Dedicated men and women of academia are teaching new methods of understanding the world while governments are in an ebb and flow of power from and to their peoples. It is a time in which any soul can strike out and discover not only who they are, but sights not seen by any other mortal. The footsteps of the adventurous are the marching drums of progress. The footsteps of the hero walk upon broken fate.    So come, Traveler, rest your head in luxurious Merrescene and overlook the white marble of the Confederate Senate. Make your fortune with the guilds and artisans of Eindurand, or perhaps pray before the Gods in the grand and holy city Adu'Sallah at the Grand Temple of the Valsylic. Life, peril, glory, and uncertainty await you should you be daring enough to step out your door. Welcome, Traveler, to Crystalis.