Roissaices Organization in Crystalis | World Anvil
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Roissaices is the land of passion, freedom, and liberty. One of the first nations to establish a true democracy based upon popular vote and representation in government. The people of Roissaices have endured a long, difficult past filled with warring nobles, plagues, and supernatural disasters. This has lead for the people of this nation to be resilient and hopeful for better future, those the angst of past tribulations can still be found in the national personality. Many of the Anatoles great mysterious surrounding the undead, malevolent creatures, and disease has come from Roissaices. To outsiders, it might look as if it is an extremely dangerous place to call home, but to the Roissaran it is simply the price to pay for living in such an free nation. Since their revolution, Roissaice has been able to recover and strengthen on the international stage. They have one of the most robust naval forces of any nation in the world and currently occupy a great amount of colonial territory in Shahara. The people of Roissaices are superstitious, but passionate. they believe in individual freedoms and the right to pursue passions. Unlike Eindurand , the people of Roissaices believe that it is the job of the government to protect them from both the nation itself and from foriegn infleunces. Also unlike other nations, the Roissaran colonies have been a reprieve for the local races found on Shahara. The Roissairans believe that by welcoming these people with open arms, they can avoid the costly bloodshed that other nations have been unable to avoid in their territorial expansion.  
Roissaran Colony


Roissaices is a constitutional democracy lead by a Consul. The Consul has a lot of power within the government and is considered a life-long appointment. Below the consul there is the Parliament and the National Assembly that make up the legislative and the Executive branches of government. The office of the consul is determined by vote, as is the seats of both the National Assembly and Parliment.  

Public Agenda

Roissaices is a nation that has been through many turbulent times throughout history. They seek to promote the rights of the individual over the power of the state, and feel that the individual should be free to follow their passions and goals. On the global scale, Roissaices is starting to develop colonies upon Shahara and several of the smaller islands off of the Shaharan coast.


Roissaices has a an abundance of coastline as well as a fair amount of natural resources. Their mountainous region is dotted with several low-lying swamplands in deep valleys, making it difficult to mine these areas. However, their thick forests provide ample lumber and their rich fields provide plenty of food for the Roissaran people. Despite their natural resources, Roissaices is rather poor compared to Eindurand or Titania. Their national wealth has not recovered after a long period of corrupt monarchs and national disasters.


Roissaices is one of the few nations that was founded without the annexation or federation of multiple nation states. The regional ethnicity of Roissaices established a foothold upon which their people built their empire. Once settled, the nation became a traditional monarchy with a ruling family that lasted almost a thousand years. During the monarchy, Roissaices suffered from several insurrections from the other nobility. Many small civil wars were fought over either the territory or the crown itself. The Dountaont royal family held unto its power throughout the years despite these smaller wars. In the later years of the Age of Nations, the Monarchy was clearly beginning to crumble. over spending by the nobility upon frivilous public works caused the nation to become deeply indebted to its own banks as well as foreign ones. The people of Roissaices were becoming increasily poor and troubled. This unrest came to a head in 1520 when a string of epidemics and supernatural disasters struck Roissaices. Civil unrest became too much for the monarchy, who at the time was seen as weak at best. Many smaller revolts came and went between 1520 and 1526, further impoverishing the working class and causing several of them to die at the hands of the monarchy. This was exacerbated by the signing of the Three Nations Accord in 1526 between Roissaices, Titania , and Astrellas . The Roissaran people felt that the nobility were signing them up for a war that they could never afford and had no interest in participating. In 1526, a rush of the capital of Seige Dauphin finally toppled the old Monarchy. Over the next three years, several governments came and went. the shortest of which lasting only 3 weeks. in 1529, the modern day Roissaran democracy was established and has been in power since.

Demography and Population

Roissaices, like much of Anatole is most Human . The Humans of Roissaices are usually fair skinned with darker hair colors and green or brown eyes. Roissaices is also home to a large populaion of Undine , particularly in the western and southern regions. Next to these two groups are the elves. Roissiaces is home to the highest population of Elves outside of the Lost Wilds. Most Elves in Rissaices are located in their North eastern region.


Roissaices holds the majority of territory in Anatole's south eastern region. Their northern border is shared between Astrellas and the Lost Wilds, while their Eastern Border is shared with Eindurand. Roissiaces unique coastline offers a variety of marine environments as well as many suitable locations for ports along their gulf coastal regions.


Since their reorganization, Roissiaces has adopted a national formal military. Like Titania, their forces consist of both naval and land forces called the Marine Natonale and Armee de Terre respectively. Ranks in the military work much as they would in Titania with wealth and nobility affording officer status, but the general population allowed to enlist. Unlike Titania, Roissaices instituted the Mandat Arme in which all unmarried men and women must train and serve in either branch of the military for at least two years of their life. The only exception to this rule is if a woman has children or is married. Men must still serve no matter their fatherhood or marital status.


Roissaice's constituion states that no religion shall be outlawed by the state. Roissarans are free to practice without government interference. The traditional patron gods of the Roissaran people are Ahealh and Heloheim, though there is a minority following of Covalla as well as Bahlhum present among the people. Roissaices once believed that Covalla was the cause of their problems due to the many epidemics and supernatural problems concerning the undead. This lead there to be a unique superstition surrounding the goddess of death who was seen in a much more malevolent light than normally portrayed in northern practices. This superstition can still be found in Roissiaces, but it is losing popularity due to many of the nation's issues being lessened with the formation of a new government.

Foreign Relations

Roissaices holds a shaky alliance with their northern neighbor, Astrellas, as well as treaties with Eindurand, Titiania, and Merrescene. Roissaices, while having a military, would not be powerful enough to hold off an invasion from Astrellas. In a way, it rlies upon the threat of Titania to ward off Astrellan Agression. Titania, who would not allow Astrellas to claim any more land, would certianly not sit idely if Roissaices was ivaded by Astrellas.

Brotherhood, Freedom, Equality

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Seige De Rois
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Duals and coinage.
Legislative Body
The Parliament and the National Assembly make up the legislative and executive branches of the government respectively. The Parliament is formed by elected officials from various backgrounds. The Job of the parliament is to draft new laws and amendments for the Roissaran people, while the National Assembly reviews and ratifies those laws. A simple system of checks and balances between the Assembly and the Parliament exists as well as the office of the Consul. The Consul has the power to veto any law put forth, which then goes back to the two houses for revision.
Judicial Body
Roissaices judicial body is made up of a traditional police force. Each territory has their own police force to enforce the Roissaran laws. In addition, there is a national police force that oversees the territory police. Roissairans championed the idea that every individual has a right to a fair trail from their peers. No criminal conviction is executed without this trail unless circumstances are unprecendented.
Roissaran Swamps
Swamps by Wildlife Journal

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