The Fallen OondrG'rog Empire. Organization in Cruul | World Anvil

The Fallen OondrG'rog Empire. (OON-DER-GROG)

The fallen empire of "OnndrG'rog" was the first established mortal civilization and predates all mortal settlements of historic record. It was founded and ruled by Emperor Unkus OondrrG'rog lasted exactly 10,000 years in a time commonly called "The Great Dwarven Age". The Empire fell in the chaos that was the first mortal war- The Druugrr War - where the Emperor also died.


As the first civilization of Mortals, The OondrG'rog Empire invented many of the first concepts of progress and harmony. They were organized under one Emperor who gave gave King status to trusted Dwarves he found worthy to rule over other Mountains in his name. All mountains answered to the Emperor and the Emperor was given sole governing right over all.


During this age, the culture was highly involved with interest of labor and hunting evil perversions of magic. Gigantic structures were carved under the surface of Cruul where thousands of Dwarves enjoyed lives of work, religion and Drink. The age is noted for a long peace between brotherly Dwarves united under one Mountain that eventually ended in a bloody war between kin.

Public Agenda

The Empire dedicated itself to laborious construction of stone that still stand and house Dwarven clans to modern day. They promoted a strong love for the Gods Gr'Rog "God of the Underground" , Galugamug "God of Alcohol" and Greygor "Dead God of Valor/War" and a distain for all of the evil Gods. The Empire also had a hatred for Osheena "Goddess of the Deep" , half-jokingly calling her an evil God (not one of Balance).The Empire swore death to all evil creatures perverted by Magic or Darkness. often sending warriors deep into the Underdark to find and slay them.


The OondrG'rog fortune was said to be the largest amassment of material wealth to ever have been collected. Its location is unknown and unrecorded by all historic record.


One the first Dwarven day of History- 100 Dwarves all agreed on creating the Empire. They voted Unkus OondrrG'rog "Emperor" into power as quick as possible so they could get to work. The Empire spanned 5 mountain families (The OondrGrog, The Druugrr, The Hz'torgen The J'ooGnn, The F'hergen) and lasted for 10,000 years before breaking up into the Dwarven Kingdoms of today.   For 10,000 years Dwarves invented and innovated languages, science, stonecraft, weaponry, Religion and Government. The Empire prospered for 9000 years before the Druugrr war began. The war marks the beginning of the Empire's 1000 year long decline into final collapse.   The Great Druugrr War was ultimately the cause of the Empire's fall, but Dwarven scholars blame over burdened infrastructure and mistakes in governing as the main culprits behind the collapse. Today modern Dwarves exist in smaller Monarchies with Kings and Queens ruling over a single Mountain for life.


The Empire of OondrG'rog officially collapsed by the 10,000th year of the Great Dwarven Age, marking the end of the Age.

Year 1 of the Great Dwarven Age - Year 10,000 of the Great dwarven Age.

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The first Empire


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