Dafayo La'Carrage Character in Cruul | World Anvil

Dafayo La'Carrage (DA-FAY-OH LAH-CAR-RHAG)

Dafayo La'Carrage was once the wealthy owner of "La'Carrage" a fine carriage shop dedicated to selling/fixing high end carriages in Vaneesh. His business was very lucrative due to the criminal operation he ran out the basement of his shop.  

Life in Vaneesh.

  Dafayo sold and repaired fine carriages within Vaneesh, earning him a notable reputation as "the man to see" if you wanted luxury class carriages. Unbeknown to his wealthy clients, Dafayo also ran an illegal rackett where his minions would rob those he sold his carriages to- often damaging the clients carriage in the process- insuring expensive repairs that resulted in profit for La'Carrage.   Dafayo ran this business for almost 2 years with the help of 30 Crimian rogues hired through the local Under-Guild who operated under the guild name "The Night Spiders". The Night Spiders were rogues led by Rolfio Don Crimillio, and were integral to Dafayo's ilegal carriage racket.  


  Dafayo's criminal empire collapsed when the majority of his minions were exploded by a boobytapped carraige belonging to Victor Von Gloom.  The operation fell apart even further when two adventurers - Ben and Peter Henry - converted Dafayo's remaining five rogues into followers of Laydi'wahni "The White Lady", helping to create The Light Spiders.  


  After being held captive for weeks by the Night Spiders, Dafayo was eventually found and released by the BMSI. He refused to give a detailed report as to why he was being held on property owned by Rolfio Don Crimillio and he was eventually released. After release Dafayo escaped the bombing of Vaneesh and eventually found his way to the Hamlet of Peter..


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