11 Nov- Shadows and Blood Plot in Crimson Aegus | World Anvil
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11 Nov- Shadows and Blood

Eden Isles was becoming a problem, Yeshir thought as she watched the moonlight glisten on the surface. The crisp salt air had a calming effect. Ever since she was defeated by Pharaoh Lambal's twisted soul, sleep came with difficulty and when it did, she was tormented. The Earth Warden inhaled deeply as the Broken Tooth cut through the waves smoothly. At least Krakoz was placated.   This Eden Isles, warrior of vengeance. Eden bested Krakoz in the front of the tomb once all her minions had fallen. Even her crewman slew a Razorbeak with one swing. Gaothes too, was becoming quite adept and bring the element of water to the desert, stymieing Krakoz' archers with mist. Fortunately Paimon rushed their rear, saving the battle from complete loss.   But inside the tomb, vengeful spirits seemed to aid Eden and others in wave of undead pressed Krakoz' crew. Stealing the Headpiece of Woe abated his wrath, or at least most of it. Krakoz was less concerned with being mobbed and stabbed in the depths of the tomb, than he was with the acquisition of the helm. Unless of course, you consider Akhmed.   Yeshir once thought herself above taking pleasure in battle, but opening the pit under Eden's crewman and watching him plummet 80 feet into darkness was exhilarating.   And Poor Paimon, sweet barbarian. The Savage was last seen possessed by the Pharoah in the deepest recesses of this tomb. Paimon may still be slain, but what if he lived wandering, still possessed? Yeshir pushed such thoughts out and pulled her cloak tighter.   A whimper came from Akhmed, still bound to the mast with the nameless one. Krakoz was furious when he learned the disappeared in the tomb and returned unscathed, without treasure. They both swayed limp with the lurch of each wave, save the occasionally moan.   Yeshir climbed the stairs to the nameless slave manning the rudder. His gaze never wavered from looking straight over the moonlight bow. Krakoz' discipline did not rest.   "Turn north," the Warden said.   "But Krakoz--"   "Nameless, when Krakoz is gone I'm in command," she reminded him. "The crew is ravaged. Paimon gone and Akhmed will soon follow. If you want to survive, we need to refit. If that earns Krakoz's ire, then I will bear it."   Still without looking at her, the nameless one's face twisted in anguish. Then he turned the ship.   ----   Krakoz's trip to the mainland: +Coffers: 290gc +Sold Prayer Beads: $250 -Trip Cost: 200 -Morg, new Savage: 100 -BinBabet, New Freebooter: 100 (replaces Man-At-Arms) -Landala, new Crackshot: 100 (replaces Akhmed, archer being torture to death)



Krakoz, obv


VILLIANS: the Despicable Eden Isles and murderous crew.

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