Occult Influence in Crescent City By Night | World Anvil

Occult Influence

The supernatural world and those that move in it are a strong curiosity for a great many people. Many look at the Occult world and its occupants and cannot help but consider it a sham and a fraud. This could not be further from the truth. Those with this influence are able to control and direct the world that comes the closest to the Kindred world. Kindred who have control in the Occult world are able to garner support and information from cult leaders, alternative religious groups, charlatans, would-be occultists and New Agers.

Here are some examples of actions you can perform with this Influence at each level.

1 - Contact and make use of common occult groups and their practices; Know some of the more visible occult figures.
2 - Know and contact some of the more obscure occult figures; Access resources for most rituals and rites.
3 - Access vital or rare material components; Milk impressionable wannabes for bucks ($250 Access occult tomes and writings.
4 - Learn of signs of local supernatural activity and possibly contact those involved.
5 - Access occult artifacts and rare occult writings; Control a small cult or circle.

City Specific Areas:

Crescent City’s occult circles… don’t exist? Perhaps curiously, there’s little significant occult presence in the city… at least, as far as publicly known. One or two pagan groups – centered more around religious practices and stereotype rather than true ritual – can be found in the city, but beyond that, if there is an occult presence in Crescent City, it’s a secretive, insular one… and open to only those select few that can, first, find them and, second, actually fit in.

Life Temple & Seminary

Based in Oceanview out of the home of a couple known simply as Jarilo and Morana, the Life Temple is possibly the most well-known Wicca and New Age group in Crescent City if only by merit of being the most prominent presence in newspaper ads.

The Gathering of Whispers

Led by Gladys Hutchinson. She is rumored to have dead bodies buried in her front yard and mind altering granny candies. She has several kids that live or work for her which are references as Boy or Girl followed by a number.

The Night Flame Coven


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