Tormangi Ethnicity in Creation | World Anvil
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Tormangi (tore-MANG-gi)

"The scattered people of the shattered islands, never to know peace, never to know safety, never to know, never to be known." -Tormangi Lore
    The blue skinned Tormangi live in isolated clans amongst The Shattered. Their continent was destroyed by an ancient cataclysmic event (see The Cataclysm of The Shattered) and the remains are loosely populated islands of varying size. They have a strong connection to the water and have become excellent swimmers and sailors. Most of their agriculture is simple farming around their clanholds as well as using the natural resources of the ocean. They have a variety of sailing ships, favoring swift moving catamarans.   The major economic activity is trade in Arcanum Crystals. The only positive thing about the destruction of their continent is that it overturned most of the land and exposed mineral veins where Arcanum is found. That advantage was quickly erased when the Lasskyr  and Rennon  discovered their lands.   Tormangi have been enslaved by multiple peoples over the years. Their islands were quickly blockaded and plundered when the more powerful races of Creation discovered what was there. This long simmering hatred between Tormangi and The Others has never exploded into open warfare due to the dispersed nature of Tormangi culture. The clans have never been united in common cause, but times are changing...   Major Clans: Porpoise Clan Dolphin Clan Gull Clan Whale Song Blackwater Tribes (Eastern and Western) Bluewater Clan


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