Lasskyr Ethnicity in Creation | World Anvil
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Lasskyr (lass-keer)

The golden/yellow skinned inhabitants of Lasskyrolia . They have higher than average intelligence and wisdom. They rose to dominate the arts and sciences of the ancient world and were the first to build sailing ships and explore Creation.  This led to the Age of Discovery that united Creation into one world.  In the last several hundred years, since the Rennon have taken over control of most of the world, they have been more content to study and philosophize. There is a tacit agreement between them and the Rennon that the rest of the peoples of Creation are somewhat inferior and their two civilizations are meant to rule.  
This is where the gold skinned Lasskyrs rose to dominate the ancient arts and sciences.  They were the first to develop sailing ships and explore Creation, discovering the rest of the Eight about 1500 years ago.  Their vision and determination brought the modern concept of Creation as a single created world into focus.  Unfortunately, the warlike Rennon used their science and engineered it into methods of destruction.   As one of the Lowered Lands, the rivers in the center of the continent all drain into the Great Lakes.  Almost 3000 years ago the Lasskyrs realized that the Lakes were getting more heavily saline and embarked on a project so immense it hasn't been rivaled since.  They used their knowledge of the natural world and their connection to the magical world to create a system of canals between the Lakes.  They also cut the Grand Canal into the eastern lands and reversed the course of a river to flow out to the ocean.  This massive groundwork saved the interior of their continent from becoming a wasteland and allowed them to blossom for centuries.


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