The Split Geographic Location in Creation | World Anvil
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The Split

"The Split is a constant reminder to the Voy Diurne that any time the Great God wants to carve up a continent, he's free to do it and there's nothing to do but get out of the way."   -Valantor Gornnun, Grand Bishop of Palan Voyd
      Like a dagger striking at the center of the continent of Palan Voyd, The Split runs from the eastern coast straight inwards for over a thousand miles before collapsing together into an ugly scar across the land for another 300 miles. It begins as an opening out to the ocean approximately fifty miles across and forms a perfect east-west line until slowly coming together. It has been well established that nothing grows on its rocky cliffs, no birds nest along its entire length, and no sea creatures will swim into its waters. It's as if Creation knows that it was intended as a punishment which continues to this day.   The Voy Diurne tell an ancient story of dark clouds rolling in from the east and a violent shaking of the ground that lasted for days. With a noise like thunder the cliffs at the eastern coast began to crack and shake apart. The cracks reached back away from the waters and wrenched the land apart as easily as tearing a sheet of fabric. The ocean rushed into the newly created expanse and boiled with fury for eight days. Then, as the steam cleared and the clouds rolled away, noxious fumes rose up and slew the plants, animals, and people. For over a hundred years all the areas around the Split remained dead and deadly.   The Voy Diurne lived with this tale for thousands of years before their continent was discovered by the Lasskyr  people and the world of Creation became revealed to them. Their tales were examined and compared to other legends that the Lasskyr knew of. It was quickly determined that the Split was caused by the massive destructive event that created The Shattered, when the entire continent of the Tormangi  was broken apart in a storm of fire and noise.   The Voy Diurne are a people who value wisdom and knowledge. They came to see that the Great God actually was punishing the Tormangi for violations that only He knew. But it was also a warning to all of Palan Voyd that if they stray from the Path of Wisdom they could easily face the same fate.
Coast / Shore


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