Limbo Geographic Location in Crafting New Lives | World Anvil


Limbo is a personalized pocket dimension those with respawns or the ability to be resurrected go to while dead, but not moving on.   It is meant to be an eternal waiting room. Something or somewhere that is forever unchanging, no matter what you try to do. It is stasis until you are given the chance to respawn, resurrect, or move on into the Beyond.   Time also passes differently in Limbo; One full day in the Overworld translates into one month in Limbo.   While in Limbo, all but the most devout of Death's followers are unable to lie. This is a system Death instated to ensure the mortals were honest in their life's accomplishments, goals, and death information. The only exceptions are those she trusts to be honest with her, or those she created and has a direct connection to, allowing them to avoid the honest environment if they want to, though not without consequences.
Dimensional, Pocket
Location under


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