Weird Sisters Character in Covenant | World Anvil

Weird Sisters

"Just like a child thinks their parents are gods, and adults think metas are gods, gods worship things that make them feel like children.   It's gods all the way up, and children all the way down."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The weird sisters are never seen together and seem to only show one of their 'faces' at any one time.

Body Features

The weird sisters are three faces of one God. These gods are ancient wonders who have been alive as long as the world has and act as guardians of this Dimension. They exist across all dimensions, but are separate instances of the same being. They can communicate with each other, but do not share a common consciousness. There is more than one Gods.   Nona - The youngest (in her 20s, teaches youngest students, blond, curvy, warm eyes, green robes, welcoming eyes) Decima - The middle (in her 40s, teaches advanced students, Greying Hair, matronly, broad.brown robes, judging eyes) Morta - Elder (in her 80s, doesn't teach, just watches, White hair, white eyes, missing teeth, frail, black robes, blind eyes)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Weird Sisters are three faces of one God. These gods are ancient wonders who have been alive as long as the world has and act as guardians of this Dimension.   They exist across all dimensions, but are separate instances of the same being. They can communicate with each other, but do not share a common consciousness. There is more than one God. Even Gods cannot cross the Worldwall.   The Sisters were first seen in CD Issue 8: Shadowboxing where they administrated Siren's trials of admission into the Parca School for the Arts.


The Sisters have deep knowledge of the past, present, and future of this dimension. They guard this information zealously, using it as an incentive and reward for participating in their plans.

Failures & Embarrassments

The invasion by the Covenant was a severe transgression of the universal laws that they enforce, and they have been known to made references to a plan that has been set in motion to prevent this from happening again.

Personality Characteristics


While the Sisters seem uninterested in directly interfering with mortal events, they are dedicated to protecting the sanctity of this universe and appointing a Gatekeeper.


Religious Views

The weird sisters worship their own gods, disparage any who worship them.


Nona is welcoming like spring, appreciative of new ideas, warm to all, encouraging Decima is disapproving and firm, loving in a distant way. She compliments where it is due, and chastises foolish behavior. Morta cackles and mocks without fear, revels in irony and calls out folly


Like all gods, the weird sisters speak in half truths that are always true and never make any sense.
They always were
Current Residence
Within the boundries of our World Wall
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Schadow, Gottfried: Fates sculpture by Andreas Praefcke


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