Nommi Boar Day Tradition / Ritual in Covenant | World Anvil

Nommi Boar Day

"Sigh, here we go again Terminal City. Another Nummy Boar day. Let's litter the ground with sticky trash that is barely water soluable. The flavor for this year is 'Rescue Dog', whatever that means. Please please please, nobody die this year, it's a press nightmare. Ok runners, on my mark, enjoy racing to glorify a holistically unhealthy substance. Go!   Can I leave now?"
--TAG Triss Salinger, Nummi Day opening event (as vidcast), Terminal City, 40AE


Nummi Boar day was founded in 21 AE by Terminal City marketing giant Mindwave to promote the bizzare candy. This Covenant manufactured treat exploded in popularity after being fetishized on the late night vid 'Glitter Pit'.   Nummi Boar day historically included a Nummi Boar eating contest until 35 AE when it proved fatal to one contestant. Fortunately for Mindwave, the fine print in the waiver protected the product from litigation, though sales did see a significant dip.


Each year Nummi Boar day is highlighted by the introduction of a new Nummi flavor. In 41 AE the flavor was 'Lightning Storm Paradise', which was universally panned for its shockly strong flavors.   In the evening, following the closing ceremony, a number of high profile rock bands play a free concert in Monument Park which is vidcast globally. Terminal City foots the bill for this event, which is supported by the Parliment, but aggravates the TAG to no end.


The Terminal City Adjutant General is tasked in launching the day by cutting the ribbon for the Nummi Day marathon, in which the participants are pelted with Nummi Boars at the finish line. The TAG makes no secret of hating Nummi Boar Day, especially since city servants are tasked with cleaning up the mess.


Nummi Boar day is held on the first day of Spring. It was originally only held in Terminal City, but has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. While other cities have tried to replicate the energy of the Terminal City event, none have succeeded and tourists flock to the city annually to celebrate.
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