Adventure's Contents in Creatures Of The Yonderverse | World Anvil

Adventure's Contents

The vast majority of articles in this world will be Adventure articles. You will follow Mochi Manoban as they travel to different planets to look at, play with, study, examine as many species as they can.

Each article contains highlights of Mochi's adventures. It is completely unrealistic that I can write about Mochi discovering literally every single creature on every single planet, so I will touch upon a handful of locations Mochi comes across in each Volume. I do want to write a lot, however, so expect several Volumes for each planet.

Every single Adventure article will follow from another, and lead on to another, making use of World Anvil's linear navigation feature. You will be able to find every Adventure in this category if you want to find a particular one.

Text in this colour and font is a quote. Expect them scattered around articles, usually of a conversation between Mochi and another character.
— Mochi, 10/10/2023

You'll find some things in bold text in Adventure articles. This will either indicate a location or a species. Anything else of interest may have a tooltip.


Bapycara by Mochi
  Average Size: 3-4ft tall, 4-5ft long
Colouration: Bright pink
Behaviour: Friendly, however excessive attention leads them to become violent unless you constantly give them attention.

Link to full article

At the bottom of each article you will see something like this:

Species Identifed

Fire Squid
King Heart Penguin
Radiant Frog

Total Species Identified: 3

This will list out every species Mochi identifies through the entire article. As I write more articles the "Total Species Identified" list will increase.

The container to the right is an Animal Profile. I won't make one for every species, but you'll find them scattered throughout my Adventure articles to give a little more information about some species.


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Oct 11, 2023 10:47 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull


Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet