Aaid Character in Coriolis | World Anvil


Motivated trailblazer and discoverer of lost tech. Aaid has participated in numerous profitable finds for Nyala and continues to look for next big opportunity. His low societal status keeps him from leading the most important finds but he works hard to keep the team safe, often exploring ahead alone to make a safe path. His relationship with The Lady of Tears has managed to keep him alive through many dire situations.   Aaid wound up on the Orun II persuing a lead that didn’t pan out. He met Miraj and sympathized with his frustration at close minded un-traveled superiors and bonded with him over various games of dexterity.   Class: Adventurer (Partial Expert/Partial Warrior)

Str: 8 Dex: 12 Con: 10 Int: 14 (+1) Wis: 9 Cha: 11

Level: 5 HP: 37 AC: 18 (ironhide)

Attack Bonus:
Shoot: 6 Stab: 2 Punch: 2

Saving Throws:
Physical: 11 Evasion: 10 Mental: 11

Connect-0, Exert-2, Fix-0 (+1), Know-0 (+1), Notice-2, Shoot-1, Sneak-2, Survive-0, Program-0, Talk-0

Specialist: Exert Roll 3d6 keep 2 highest for exert tests
Specialist: Sneak Roll 3d6 keep 2 highest for sneak tests
Ironhide: AC is 15 + (level/2)
Close Combat: use pistols in melee without penalty. Ignore enemy melee shock damage.
Alert: cannot be surprised. Others cannot use execution attack on Aaid. Roll twice for initiative and keep higher roll.

Equipment Readied: (Up to 3 encumberance worth of items)
Founders Vacc Suit - AC 13, Enc 2
Mag Pistol - 2d6+2 kinetic damage, range 100/300, Enc 1, 6 shot magazine

Equipment Stowed: (Up to 7 encumbrance worth of items)
3 extra magazines for Mag Pistol (Enc 1)
Comm server, level 5, reduced weight, Founders tech, (Enc 2)
Environmental scanner(Enc 1)
Tabula with Founders database(Enc 1)

Tiny Stowed Equipment that Does not Cause Encumberance
Ident Card
Talisman from Ravonis for +1 to a skill check
Duct tape

Equipment Owned but not carried
17 Founder's coins
Founders stun pistol
Type 'A' power cell, Founders (quantity: 2)
Canister of Founders sterilizing gel 2 large figures, Founders art (elephant, dancing woman) 3 small figures, Founders art (eagle, lizard, camel)

Contacts and Allies
Mr. Gray - data storage technician on Malik
Zaida - cute old lady and captain of Oryx, a courier ship

Location of artifact finds in Kua system by miners
Trailblazer employed by the Nyala Corp


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