The Flames Organization in Corgeria | World Anvil
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The Flames

A group of fire mages that have taken control of the city of Skarleen on the Eastern side of the Windy Sea. This was a well to do city state heavily dependent on maritime trade. The mages were hired as mercenaries to help the city in a war with neighboring states. Instead they conspired with other mercenaries to slaughter the City’s governing council and cow its residents into submission. For five years they have ruled the city ruthlessly crushing any opponents. The fire mages have formed a ruling body known as the Council of Twelve. Their rule is supported a group of tough mercenary soldiers known as the Red Company consisting of roughly 500 soldiers. The company has about 100 cavalry troopers and 400 infantry divided into four companies. The company members wear red enameled armor. They fight with a variety of weapons Most soldiers use a crossbow or a short bow. They carry swords, axes, maces and spears as their melee weapons.


The Council of Twelve is an oligarchy that rules the city. Its members are all from the original group of mages that seized control of the city. The agreement between the slaves requires that if any of their number dies or leaves the Council that they must be replaced by a member of their own family. Below them are five Captains, each of whom command 100 members of their army. They have also organized 15 Councils of Obedience which are placed in the neighborhoods of the city and it's dependent towns. These Councils are appointed with the purpose of enacting any order issued by the Flames, collecting intelligence and gathering taxes.

Public Agenda

To maintain control of Skarleen


Complete control of the city government and the surrounding towns and countryside. Possession of the city's treasury.
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Council of Twelve
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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